Modern | War History

The Employees of the Danzig Post Office Fought the Germans For 15 Hours During the Invasion of Poland Before They Were Captured

In 1939, it was obvious that Nazi Germany was on the war path. Austria had been annexed just a year earlier, and so also was the…

Stalingrad: For 59 Days 30 Soviet Soldiers Were Under Siege In Pavlov’s House, They Never Surrendered

The Battle of Stalingrad is one of the best-known battles of WWII. The siege of the city that lasted from 23rd of August, 1942 to…

War And Conflict After The Fall Of The USSR

The Soviet Union officially ceased to exist on December 26, 1991, 74 years after its inception in 1917. The fall of the Union left the…

The Charge of The Polish Cavalry Against German Tanks in 1939 – How It Was Turned Into A Modern Myth

Poland had a long history of horsemanship, and its light cavalry called Uhlans (A Tatar word for “Hero,” or “Rider”) were the pride of its…

The Horror Of Auschwitz – Looking Closely, We Can Find Stories Which We Have Not Heard Before

Auschwitz today is synonymous with the Holocaust; it has become an overarching symbol of the atrocities committed by the Nazi regime during the Second World…

The One Man Demolition Squad Who Destroyed Six Enemy Positions Single-Handed

Thomas Currie “Diver” Derrick wasn’t among the first to join the Australian military when WWII broke out in 1939. When he finally did join the…

The Commander Of The Lost Battalion From The Meuse-Argonne Offensive

Colonel Charles White Whittlesey earned his fame when he was a major in World War I with the American Expeditionary Force. He led a battalion…

John McCrae: Officer, Doctor, and Author of WWIs Most Famous Poem

More so than any other modern war and certainly more than any war fought before it, The First World War was the age of the “war…

How Erwin Rommel Earned Germany’s Highest Honor, as a Mere Lieutenant

Erwin Rommel was undoubtedly one of the finest generals of the Second World War, his strategic mind and patient approach led his men to victory…

The Pentagon Papers – the secret history of the Vietnam War

In 1967, the Vietnam War was starting to heat up for the US, as its military presence steadily grew up to 500,000 men. The Pentagon…

He slammed his hand on the table and screamed to Hitler “I will not take orders from a local Nazi chieftan”… and he got away with it

Written by Nigel Mountford on Quora and reproduced with permission. This is General Dietrich von Saucken. As you can see, he is literally the archetypal monocled…

Battle of Monte Cassino – Breaking through German Defense into Rome

Waqas Ali

From 1943 till 1945, Italy was occupied by Nazi Germany and acted as a puppet state, called the Italian Socialist Republic and led by the…