Modern | War History

Some German Soldiers Did Not Surrender Until Months After the End of WW2

Germany finally capitulated on May 8th, 1945, leaving Europe in ruins, but at peace once again. First, Alfred Jodl prepared the ground by signing the…

A WWII Bunker Discovered in Serbia Is Being Torn Down To Be Replaced By A Supermarket!

Construction workers in Serbia found a surprising discovery. While they were digging foundations for the future supermarket in the Belgrade (capital of Serbia) suburban settlement…

Survivor Of Hell On Earth At Bataan Celebrates 100th Birthday In California

Ramon Regalado’s smile was as wide as the Grand Canyon when he saw family, friends, and representatives from the Veteran’s Administration gathered together, on the…

Simo Häyhä Was The Deadliest Sniper in History, He Was Called The White Death

There have been many great snipers in history and who can take the title of the greatest is a topic of debate. However, if you…

5 Quick Facts About Japan’s Deadly WW2 Kamikaze Pilots

A major turning point in the Second World War was the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. Not only did December 7th, 1941 see the death…

Two Months After Enlisting This Digger Was Awarded The VC At Gallipoli

The Battle of Gallipoli was an especially brutal campaign that took place over eight months during 1915-1916. It made heroes of many men, but William…

Super Weapons That Actually Saw Service During WWII

During WWII, the Nazi Germans were developing a wide range of superweapons that would turn the tide and ensure ultimate victory. Most of them never made…

The WW2 Naval Battle of Savo Island in the Pacific

The Battle of Savo Island began on August 8th, 1942, and came to a close on August 9th, 1942. It was a brutal battle of…

The Titanic Battle of WWI Luxury Liners: Fancy Spas and Explosive Shells

It’s hard to imagine a massive cruise ship ever being converted into a naval vessel for war. Think of the largest cruise ships today, complete…

Top 10 Misconceptions About World War I (Watch)

In 1914, tensions between the nations of Europe exploded into a war the likes of which the world had never seen. For four long years,…

Shocking Footage Of Nukes Being Tested On Marines (Watch)

The most terrible weapon ever created is, of course, the nuclear bomb. During the Second World War, both the Allies and Nazi Germany were working…

The Story of the Percival Pens – Used In The Japanese Surrender Ceremony

The Cheshire Military Museum is home to over 20,000 artifacts covering over 300 years of history of soldiers from the County of Cheshire who have fought…