Modern | War History

The Most Unlucky U-Boat Of WWII Yields Fascinating Photographs

Wilhelm Hinrichs was a First Officer in the German Navy during World War II. He served on what was perhaps the least successful U-boat in…

Seven Reasons Why Britain was Unprepared for World War Two

In retrospect, the outbreak of the Second World War seems both obvious and inevitable. However, to many people at the time, particularly in Britain, there…

A Race for Superiority – The Sources of Military Intelligence in World War Two

During the Second World War, military intelligence came into its own in a way it never had before. The increasing speed, scale, and complexity of…

Mighty Vickers Mark IV Naval Gun Restored for its 100th Birthday

War History Online presents this Guest Article by Tim Randle This WW1 1916 Vickers 4 Inch Mark IV Naval Gun was presented to the Talisman Sea Cadets…

Storm Exposes Historic Shipwreck and WW2 Coastal Defences

The remains of the Jeune Hortense, a French brigantine which ran aground more than 130 years ago, have once again been revealed thanks to a…

The House of Horrors – Amon Göth’s house sold for conversion to Luxury Villa

The former home of Amon Goeth, infamous commandant of the Kraków-Płaszów concentration camp in Płaszów in German-occupied Poland, has been sold for conversion into a…

Discovering the stories of forgotten casualties of WW2

Claudine Adroit of Montigny, France, has dedicated herself to locating and visiting the families of seven deceased crew members of a Lancaster bomber shot down…

“A time to be stealthy and a time to be lethal” – Well-Timed Brutality in Sniper Elite 4

According to the narrator in Sniper Elite 4’s launch trailer, “Timing is everything.” During the trailer, Karl Fairburne, the game’s protagonist, manages to slit the…

Born to Fight – The Only Non-Commonwealth Recipient of the Victoria Cross

Jeff Edwards

People say that some men were born at the right time in history for their gallantry to shine. For Dane Anders Lassen, WWII was his…

The Awesome Challenger Tank – Mighty British War Machines Of World War Two

Part of the extensive preparations for D-Day was the necessary upgrade of weapons. The Germans firmly held a foothold in Europe thanks to their superior…

A Soldier’s Noble Quest to Return a War Medal to its Rightful Owner

Elly Farelly

This is the story of how a young soldier’s passion for collecting antiques led to a quest to reunite lost war medals with their owners…

Returning Home At Last – January Burial Of A Missing Army Major

The Department of Defence POW/MLA Accounting Agency (DPAA) announced recently that the remains of a serviceman, Army Maj. Jack D. Griffiths, 31, of San Diego,…