Modern | War History

Massacre: The Day The SS Wiped Out The Entire French Village Of Oradour-sur-Glane

Colin Fraser

On December 9, 2014, a German court in Cologne dropped the multiple charges of murder and accessory to murder against an 88-year-old man named Werner…

“Churchill’s Favorite Spy” Was Crucial To British Intelligence During WW2

Born to an aristocratic family, she saved thousands during WWII but died in poverty. She was vital to the French resistance and played a role…

Four Military Operations Which Were Fought In Abominable Weather Conditions

Rain and snow tend to make people stay inside with a nice cup of tea, hot chocolate, or maybe something stronger. As you would expect,…

The Best U.S. Propaganda Posters From WWI And WWII

Every country with a major involvement in World War I and II produced war propaganda posters. The U.S. alone produced hundreds of different posters with…

The First Battle of Ypres, 1914 – A Harbinger Of Things To Come

The battles for Ypres were among the defining engagements of the Western Front during the First World War. Ypres became a harbinger of much that…

The German Inquiry Which Is Investigating The Influence Of Nazi Party Members In The Post-WWII Government

The German government is investigating the extent to which ex-Nazi officials were involved in the chancellery, ministries, and agencies after the end of World War…

The Centurion Tank – One Of The Longest-Serving Tank Designs In History

The Centurion tank’s first prototypes appeared among the Allied troops in Belgium in 1945. The tank was a successor of prior designs such as the…

Project Acoustic Kitty – The CIA’s Top Secret Spy Cats Project

Shahan Russell

When Seal Team Six killed Osama Bin Laden in 2011, they did not do it alone. They had help from a Belgian Malinois dog named…

Shooting Down 7 Aircraft In One Day, This Marine Was Awarded The Medal Of Honor On His First Mission

Jeff Edwards

Lieutenant James Swett wasn’t the only man to become an Ace in one day during the war and nor was he the only Ace to…

Medal Of Honor: Destroying Two Enemy Bunkers Alone, Sgt. Garcia Saved His Platoon In The Jungles Of Vietnam

Jeff Edwards

We all need stories about heroes fighting through a seemingly hopeless situation, and the grit it takes to get yourself and your friends to safety. Such…

Badly Wounded, This Marine Used His Spade To Knock Grenades Back At The Enemy

Jeff Edwards

Hector Cafferatta would describe himself as the world’s worst baseball player, but that didn’t stop him from whacking over a dozen grenades out of the…

With the Enemy Approaching, He Sat Beside His Wounded Comrade, Pulled the Pin on Two Grenades, and Waited

Jeff Edwards

Refusing to leave his mortally wounded comrade as the enemy approached, Australian Warrant Officer Kevin Wheatley pulled the pin on two grenades and waited for…