Modern | War History

Mystery Still Surrounds The Fate Of The Heroic Swedish Diplomat Who Saved Thousands of Lives in WW2

Of all the mysteries arising from the Second World War perhaps none is more perplexing than the fate of Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg, who thwarted…

Honoring the Hair-Raising Heroics Of Second World War Intelligence Agents

Forget about the derring-do of spy James Bond. The successful mission by John Billings in dropping by parachute three Office of Strategic Services (OSS) spies…

Churchill’s War Rooms – An Underground WW2 Command Center In The Heart Of London, England

For someone who disliked the War Rooms during the Second World War, Sir Winston Churchill nevertheless carried on at winning the six-year conflict. Located only…

8 Facts – American PoW Camps – A Necessity Of War, From The Dark Days Of The Civil War To WW2

1. The Beginning of the U.S. PoW System The United States has housed prisoners of war since its inception as a country. During the Revolutionary War,…

Simplicity – General Montgomery’s Battle Plan for D-Day Was Hand-Written On One Page

Ian Harvey

The D-Day invasion was one of the most complex military operations ever undertaken. 160,000 troops crossed the English Channel in one day, with support from…

Haunting Pics Of A Rare Tu-128 – The Largest and Heaviest Soviet Fighter

Damian Lucjan

The Tupolev Tu-28, a Soviet long-range interceptor from the 1960s, had the NATO reporting name Fiddler. At the time, it was the largest and heaviest…

The Charge of The Polish Cavalry Against German Tanks in 1939 – It Turned Into A Modern Myth

Poland had a long history of horsemanship, and its light cavalry called Uhlans (Tatar word for “Hero”, or “Rider”) were the pride of its army.…

As A Mere Lieutenant, Erwin Rommel Earned Germany’s Highest Honor

Erwin Rommel was undoubtedly one of the finest generals of the Second World War, his strategic mind and patient approach led his men to victory…

Gigantic Underground Mines – The Biggest Explosions of The First World War

One of the common techniques used in warfare during the First World War was mining. There were various mines planted under trenches, then detonated to…

The British and Canadian Landings on D-Day – Gold, Sword, Juno

Today, the Normandy landings might be most associated with the iconic photos of Omaha Beach, but let us not forget that there were five sectors…

Watch Tanks Being Pushed To Their Limit At The Suvorov International Army Games In Russia

This footage from a drone is taken in Russia and shows the Suvorov Onslaught International Army Games. These military ‘Olympic-style’ games occur every year. Different…

Finding Out Which Was The Best US WW2 Sniper Rifle – The Springfield or the M1 Garand (Watch)

In this video Paul Shull, host of ‘The Weapon Hunter’ asks the question – which sniper rifle used in World War 2 is better? Is…