Modern | War History

Leading by Example: John J. Pershing, Prime Mentor for Future US Army Generals

The United States greatest leaders, including Patton, Truman, and MacArthur, spent the formative years of their military careers under the command of General of the…

Korean War: The US Pilot Who Chased a MiG to China To Shoot It Down, then Survived the Hanoi Hilton

James Robinson “Robbie ” Risner was an American military pilot, a double recipient of the Air Force Cross and a hero of the Korean and…

Captain Charles Fryatt, The Brave Ferry Captain Who Rammed German U-Boats in WW1

Ian Harvey

When does the attempt to defend oneself, one’s property or the men and the women under one’s charge from capture – or worse – become…

Himmler’s Diary Gives Chilling Insights Into the Mind of One of the Most Powerful Men in Nazi Germany

Researchers have recently found the diary of Nazi monster Heinrich Himmler, who is considered the mastermind of the ‘final solution’ and many other atrocities of…

The Kamikaze Pilot Who Took His Wife With Him On His Last Flight

Ian Harvey

Even though World War Two had come to an end, the story of a Japanese couple who met their death in a deliberate kamikaze suicide…

Hell’s Highway – 101st Airborne Market Garden Battles South of Veghel (Part 2)

Operation Market Garden, it is September 24th 1944 and we are in the 6th day of the ill-fated operation. Earlier that day the Germans tried…

Top Facts About The Los Angeles WWII Zoot Suit Racial Attacks

David Herold

In 1943, when the United States was involved in World War II the country was rocked on the home front. Thousands of Mexicans had migrated…

5 Facts: Amiens, 1918 – The WW1 Battle In France Which Sealed Germany’s Coming Defeat

The Battle of Amiens started nearly 100 years ago in Picardy, France, in 1918. The major combat lasted until August 12th and was a success…

The Battle of Stalingrad: The Battle that Broke Hitler

David Herold

It was at the battle of Stalingrad that Hitler met his match, and was dealt a decisive blow, from which he couldn’t recover. The battle was a…

MoH: Despite Serious Wounds, Paul Bolden Took Out 35 German SS Troops In The Bulge

To be clear, the number would have only been 20 had the German SS taken Bolden up on his act of mercy.  For after gunning…

Cutting Off Nazi Oil Production – The Incredibly Costly Ploiesti Mission – Pictures

Damian Lucjan

In the midst of WW2, on August 1, 1943, the Ploiesti Oil Raid took place over Romania. It was a USAAF Operation with the codename “Tidal…

Action T4 – Nazi ‘Euthanasia’ Programme That Murdered The Disabled and The Mentally Ill

In October 1939, Adolf Hitler signed a decree that enabled Nazi Germany to forcefully euthanize patients who they deemed were “unworthy of life”. After the…