The Naval Historian Who Discovered More to the Story of the Sinking of the Indianapolis
This summer, Dr. Richard Hulver, a historian for Naval History and Heritage Command, discovered new information about the sinking of the World War II cruiser…
Hiroshima and Nagasaki: five reasons why President Truman made the right decision
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki was apocalyptically awful. 70 years ago today, an estimated 90,000 people were immediately killed when Little Boy detonated 1,950ft…
5 Military Technologies Invented In WWI That We Still Use Today
The evolution of military technology is an ongoing process, and breakthroughs in new weapons and defensive systems make the news every year. However, many staples…
Funny WWII Commercial: Shave Like a Man!
In 2013, a shaving brand that was born in 1919 joined the parade of products trying to define what it means to be a real man…
Tommy Prince Was So Quiet, Sometimes Instead Of Killing Germans He Would Steal Their Shoes
Tommy Prince was born on October 15th, 1915, in Scanterbury Manitoba Canada in a family of eleven siblings. He left school at an early age…
Things The Russians Did Right During Operation Barbarossa
In June 1941, Operation Barbarossa began, setting off a bloodbath that was supposed to bring the Soviet Union to its knees. Yet when Adolf Hitler…
American Propaganda in World War II
Wartime relations can cause a country to get down – as we saw in the United States during Vietnam – to a point where a…
The Luftwaffe’s Trial Run – 1937 Bombing of Guernica
The Bombing of Guernica was one of the first aerial raids on defenseless civilians ever to happen. It occurred on April 26th, 1937, in the thick…
Australia’s World War I Experience Is Shaped by Verdun
The World War I battlefields in France and Belgium are now farmlands dotted with pleasant villages and well-kept cemeteries. There is one battlefield, though, that…
Chilling extracts from Himmler Diaries found in Russia
“It is one of those things that is easily said. ‘The Jewish people is being exterminated,’ every Party member will tell you, ‘perfectly clear, it’s…
Memories of an American B-25 WWII Bombardier
Richard Sherman trained as a bombardier and navigator for B-25 bombers. He served in the 11th bomb squadron. He served 13 months in China, during…
How the WW2 German ‘Schnellboot’ S-102 Was Found in the Black sea
Recreational divers located the located the remains of a WWII German ‘Schnellboot’ lying in forty feet of water in the Black Sea near Crimea. The…