Modern | War History

Was Reinhard Heydrich’s Mercedes Recently Sold at Auction?

On June 26th, the Danish Auction Company, Campen Auctioneer, auctioned off what may very well be the car that Reinhard Heydrich owned and suffered fatal wounds…

10 Interesting Facts On the Race to Berlin

The advance on Berlin in early 1945 didn’t only mark the final stage of World War Two in Europe. It also saw the first open…

4 Top Secret Nazi Weapons That Are Still Part Of Our Military Inventory

During World War Two Nazi research and development of military weapons, aircraft, vehicles and equipment took place on a massive scale. These projects were top…

Operation Barbarossa: The Invasion Hitler Could Never Win, Here Is Why

“Rule one, on page one of the ‘Book of War’ is Do not March on Moscow!” – Bernard Law Montgomery Russia has been the graveyard…

Hiding Ships In Plain Sight: How Dazzle Camouflage Is Used To Confuse The Enemy

Dazzle camouflage was the brainchild of British artist Norman Wilkinson. It was put forward as a solution to the problem that ships could not be…

5 Successful Missions of a Waffen SS Mastermind, Otto Skorzeny

Otto Skorzeny was one of Germany’s finest commandos. An engineer by profession, he tried to volunteer for the Luftwaffe (German Air Force), in the year…

Saint Nazaire Raid: Massive Intel, Courage, Sacrifice and Big Explosions

A little after 1:20 AM on March 28th, 1942, searchlights on both sides of the Loire Estuary flooded the waterway to reveal the convoy. Twelve…

Top 7 Biggest Bunkers Ever Built

The cold war may be long over,  and certain installations have been abandoned, but the powers that be still have and maintain bunkers in preparation…

Award-winning author Gary Slaughter releasing memoir chronicling riveting first-hand experience as a Cold War Naval officer

Gary Slaughter made waves in the literary world when he released his multi-award-winning Cottonwood novels (Fletcher House). Now, he’s bringing to life his experience as…

Ron Jones – The Goalkeeper of Auschwitz

Ron Jones was 23 when he became a POW in North Africa in 1942. He recalls the moment of his capture very well ― he…

An Island Goes to War – The Irish at the Somme

The outbreak of the First World War in 1914 had an unusual effect in Ireland. In a place where there had already been conflict and…

The Real Fury: Patton’s Disastrous Hammelburg Raid to Free His Son-in-Law

In February 1943, the U.S. Army had its first major engagement with the forces of Nazi Germany, ending  with their disastrous defeat at Kasserine Pass…