Modern | War History

Jewish Man who Hadn’t Been to a Doctor in 65 Years has a Good Reason for it

Yitzhak Ganon, at 85-years old, looks like an ordinary man.  However, no one would guess the secrets he has kept for many years.  They are…

Chester William Nimitz: 26 Fast Facts

Admiral Chester William Nimitz contributed to the success of the United States Navy from his beginnings at Annapolis 1905 to this very day. His accomplishments,…

Stille Hilfe – The Organisation to Help Nazi War Criminals

In the aftermath of World War Two, most of the world wanted to punish those who had upheld the Nazi regime. The shocking revelation that…

Britain’s Plan to Kill Hitler By Having a Sniper Shoot Him During His Daily Walk To The Tea House

  In 1944, the British hatched a plan to assassinate Hitler – a project known as Operation Foxley. It could have shortened the war, saved…

Abandoned; WW2 Luftwaffe German Military Airbase

The German airfield Schönwalde was built in 1934 by the German Ministry of Aviation as a base for the German Air Force. They did this at…

General “The Auk” Auchinleck Squared Off with the Desert Fox in North Africa Before Being Fired by Churchill

  The dismissal of officers in World War 2 was quite a common practice for every army that fought in the war.  Whether or not…

Hans Frank, the Butcher of Occupied Poland

The German invasion of Poland in September of 1939 caused countless repercussions that spanned the duration of World War II and the years that followed.…

With Every Other Senior Officer Dead, the Battle Control Officer of the USS San Francisco Waded through Waist Deep Water to Save the Ship

It is a scenario we have seen play out in the movies time and time again. Amidst heavy combat, a naval vessel is taking on…

Fleet Admiral Leahy, Chief of Staff to the Commander in Chief Was Fiercely Opposed to Dropping the Atomic Bomb on Japan

  Before the official establishment of the position of Joint Chiefs of Staff in the United States Military in 1947, there served a man who…

Hanbury Crater: Britain’s biggest WWII explosion site 71 years on

Seismologists in Switzerland at first thought it was an earthquake, hardly guessing the seismograph recorded the effects of a massive explosion in far distant England.…

The Strangest, Funniest, Eccentric and Odd Habits Of Stalin, Hitler, Churchill and FDR

Admit it, finding little-known funny, eccentric and odd habits, obsessions and facts about men who carved their places in history is both amusing and interesting.…

Beer Bombers: Boys Will Be Boys and Soldiers Needed Their Beer!

Only a few days after the Allied invasion of Normandy on D-Day, the dust and heat of the tortured area stirred up quite a thirst…