MSN | War History

This Incredibly Flawed Government Report Sparked Panic During the Cold War

Russian Nuclear Control Room

Anyone who lived through the Cold War knew about the terrifying prospect of thousands of Soviet nuclear missiles raining down upon cities all over the…

St. Ermin’s Hotel: The London Hotel Favorited By Spies

St Ermin's Entrance - Spy Hotel in London UK

In the Hollywood films, spy James Bond would meet his boss ‘M’ mostly in and around central London. However, if you really want to track…

The Military’s “Kilroy Was Here” Phrase Has Some Interesting Backstory Theories

Kilroy was Here At WWII Museum

If you found yourself in an area where American soldiers were or had been during WWII, there’s a high chance you will find the “Kilroy…

The Sun Perfectly Shines Through This Memorial on Veterans Day

Clare Fitzgerald
Side view of the Anthem Veterans Memorial

At precisely 11:11 A.M. MST each Veterans Day, the sun shines through a veterans memorial in Anthem, Arizona. The monument is dedicated to those who…

Legendary Sniper Carlos Hathcock Took Out An Enemy Marksmen In Epic Fashion

US Marine Corps portrait of Carlos Hathcock + Carlos Hathcock holding his sniper rifle

US Marine Corps sniper Carlos Hathcock easily features in the ranks of history’s greatest snipers, alongside such figures as Vasily Zaytsev, Lyudmila Pavlichenko and Simo…

The Jaguar MBT: The Time China and America Collaborated On A Tank

T-59 MBT

Another weird tank to be developed during the Cold War was the Jaguar, a 1980s joint Chinese and American project that was intended to modernize…

Dan Bullock: The Youngest Serviceman Killed In Action During the Vietnam War

Dan Bullock

On June 7 1969 a US Marine by the name of Dan Bullock was killed by the People’s Army of Vietnam. Although he was one…

How the American Civil War helped shape the modern candy industry

Necco wafers and a group of airmen by an aircraft.

The American Civil War brought about the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people and was one of the first indicators of what modern advances…

Louis Curdes was One of the Only Pilots to Shoot Down German, Japanese and Italian Planes During WWII

Captain Curdes Flying Ace

An American pilot from Indiana, Louis Curdes was not only a fighter ace but one of the few pilots with the rare distinction of shooting…

The Soviets Launched an Assault on the German Army so an Orchestra could Perform

Leningrad Orchestra

During one of the Soviet Union’s worst points of WWII, the Siege of Leningrad, people were reduced to the lowest of lows to survive. The…

Where Did The Term ‘G.I.’ Come From For US Troops?

Where did we get the GI name for American Soldiers

Depending on who you ask, the meaning of “G.I.” can vary. From government issue to general issue, no one can seem to agree on one…

Sillamae was Removed from Soviet Maps during the Cold War and now it’s a Popular Tourist Destination


A town in Estonia was removed from all Soviet maps during the Cold War but is now a popular resort destination on the Baltic coast.…