Napoleonic | War History

INTERVIEW: Roxanne Panchasi Discusses Inaccuracies In Ridley Scott’s ‘Napoleon’

Joaquin Phoenix as Napoleon Bonaparte in 'Napoleon'

Ridley Scott’s Napoleon was one of the most anticipated films of 2023. While many applauded the feature for its cinematography, others criticized it for what…

The Real-Life History Behind the British Television Series, ‘Sharpe’

Sean Bean as Richard Sharpe in 'Sharpe's Challenge'

The television series Sharpe (1993-2008) captivated audiences with its portrayal of the Napoleonic Wars. The show skillfully weaves a fictional narrative into historical events with…

Ridley Scott Releases Director’s Cut of ‘Napoleon’ With 48 Minutes of Additional Footage

Vanessa Kirby and Joaquin Phoenix as Empress Joséphine and Napoleon Bonaparte in 'Napoleon'

The historical drama, Napoleon, from the mind of Ridley Scott, has now been given the “director’s cut” treatment. The film, about French Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte’s…

Did Tin Buttons Cause Napoleon’s Army To Retreat From Russia?

Napoleon in Russia

October of 1812 saw a major turning point in Napoleon’s invasion of Russia. Although the French had recently claimed victory at the Battle of Maloyaroslavets,…

Remains Of Napoleonic Soldiers Buried In Vyazma After 209 Years

On February 13th, a solemn ceremony was held in Vyazma, a small town in Smolensk, to bury the remains of Napoleonic soldiers killed during Napoleon’s…

History Hack – Fantastic Podcasts Beating Lockdown Blues

Timing, as they say is everything. With everyone currently at home under confinement there has never been a better time to launch a series of…

Armed Police Called to Catch Gunman Turns Out to be a TV Show Extra

Ian Harvey

At 10:15pm, the Police in Plymouth on the south coast of Devon in England, were called by concerned members of the public when they saw…

The Three Battles of Waterloo: Same Conflict-Different Perspectives

The Battle of Waterloo took place on June 18, 1815, in a gently sloping valley around six miles south of the city of Brussels in…

Napoleon’s Three Greatest Victories

As far as the military history of France goes, there is little that can compete with the greatness of Napoleon Bonaparte. He was one of…

Russian Hussars Live Fast And Finish Young

Historically there are very few military forces that can feasibly live up to the standards set by the cliche of ‘live fast, die young and…

2 Bonapartes and a Wellington: Two Forces Converge at the Battle of Salamanca

The Battle of Salamanca happened on July 22nd, 1812.  Having achieved decisive victories at Ciudad Rodrigo and Badajoz and henceforth breaking through Portugal, he thrust…

How Napoleon Consolidated an Empire

Napoleon Bonaparte’s Italian campaign in 1796-7 helped end the French Revolutionary Wars for France, but they were considerably more successful in regards to what they…

The Many Types Of Ships Used In The Napoleonic Wars

It is a common misconception that the Navies of the Napoleonic Wars used only massive ships, crewed by hundreds of men, which would slowly close and…

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

Invading The Land Of The Pharaohs – Napoleon Comes To Conquer

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was his last great military campaign before seizing power as First Consul of France. Despite being a disaster, it helped him…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

The Battle Of Marignano: The Reason For Almost 500 Years Of Swiss Neutrality

In November of 2016, Switzerland will have had a strict policy of neutrality for five centuries. Even during the World Wars, Switzerland was able to…

Four Military Operations Which Were Fought In Abominable Weather Conditions

Rain and snow tend to make people stay inside with a nice cup of tea, hot chocolate, or maybe something stronger. As you would expect,…

Napoleon As Augustus: How He Modelled Himself On The Roman Empire

“I am a true Roman Emperor; I am of the best race of the Caesars – those who are founders.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, 1812. Throughout…

The Battle of Wavre – Ten Miles From Waterloo, Another Battle May Have Sealed Napoleon’s Fate

The long struggle of the Napoleonic wars famously culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. Undoubtedly Napoleon Bonaparte’s greatest defeat, this engagement would signal the end…

The Emperor Napoleon Held The Loyalty Of Many Different Kinds Of Men

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

How the Royal Navy kept order, Through Caning, Flogging, and Hanging

By the end of the 18th century, the wooden walls of England, as her Navy was so often called, was comprised of one of the…

Napoleon Bonaparte Managed His Vast Armies With Communication, Delegation, And An Emphasis On Honor

The wars fought by Napoleon Bonaparte were like nothing that had ever come before. His armies were vast in scale and constant in their activity,…

How the Other Side Ate: Meals of Royal Naval Officers During The Napoleonic Wars

Officers of the Royal Navy at the turn of the 19th century were expected to live charmed and genteel lives. This was reflected in almost…

The Pressing of American Seamen And The War of 1812

Imagine yourself as an American sailor; the year is 1804. You are 30 years old, born in 1774, and have spent most of your adult…

The Many Types Of Ships Used In The Napoleonic Wars

It is a common misconception that the Navies of the Napoleonic Wars used only massive ships, crewed by hundreds of men, which would slowly close and…

Napoleon Inflicts The Greatest Defeat in Prussian Military History

The twin battles of Jena-Auerstadt proved a major turning point for not only the Napoleonic wars, but also for 19th century Europe as a whole.…

Five Ways Napoleon Made Himself into the New Charlemagne

One of the most powerful tools in Napoleon Bonaparte’s intellectual arsenal was the connections he drew between his own life and that of great figures…

How Napoleon’s Empire Empowered European Jewish Communities

The beating of war drums has seldom been a good sign for Europe’s Jewish communities. Dispersed by the endless conquests of their homeland, they were…

Statues, Uniforms, And The Legion Of Honor – How Napoleon Celebrated Battlefield Courage

Napoleon Bonaparte was an inspiring figure. His greatest opponent, the Duke of Wellington, said that the French Emperor inspired such confidence that his presence at…

Grand Goals – Napoleon Aimed For High Achievements In Egypt

The Egyptian campaign Napoleon led in 1798 was one of the greatest disasters of his career. After his fleet was destroyed by Nelson at the…

Seven Reasons Why Napoleon Should Have Lost in Italy

From 1792 to 1797, France fought a multi-fronted war against the First Coalition, the first of many attempts to bring the revolutionary nation to heel.…

These Four Humble Soldiers Helped Shaped Napoleon into a Great Leader

Napoleon Bonaparte was no ordinary Joe. His family were minor nobles from Corsica, and he was always destined to a more privileged life than 99%…

Great Women Who Inspired Napoleon

Despite sharing the gender biases common to his time, Napoleon Bonaparte’s admiration for great men extended to a few women. Though he once said that…

When Malaria Sided With Napoleon: The Doomed British Walcheren Expedition That Cost 4,000 Lives

The British expedition sent to Walcheren in the Netherlands in 1809 was one of the boldest moves of the Napoleonic wars. Unfortunately for the soldiers…

Toulon and the Whiff of Grapeshot: Napoleon’s First Successes

As Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte would conquer half of Europe and leave the rest trembling in terror at his approach. But the rise…

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

“My Heart Refused Such Sinister Grandeurs” – The Fall Of The Last Napoleon

Jack Beckett

It was a turbulent time in Europe. The year was 1870, and the Kingdom of Prussia held the reins of power. Prussia’s king, Wilhelm, was…

The 100 Days – Napoleon Returns From Exile, Rallying an Army With His Words Alone

The ranks opened suddenly, and a figure stepped into view. He was taller than many of his enemies described him. Taller and leaner, the angles of…

Napoleon’s Great Military Innovations Might Not Have Been As Original They Seemed

The success of Napoleon Bonaparte stands as a testament to his extraordinary talent as a general. For twenty years, his armies dominated the battlefields of…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

The Battle Of Marignano: The Reason For Almost 500 Years Of Swiss Neutrality

In November of 2016, Switzerland will have had a strict policy of neutrality for five centuries. Even during the World Wars, Switzerland was able to…

Disease, Starvation, and the Brutal Russian Winter – Why Napoleon’s Invasion of Russia Failed

In 1812, Napoleon’s Grande Armée (Great Army) invaded Russia. Though made up of about 680,000 soldiers, they lost. Historians have given many reasons as to…

Napoleon – The Great Conqueror Should Have Lost in Italy

From 1792 to 1797, France fought a multi-fronted war against the First Coalition, the first of many attempts to bring the revolutionary nation to heel.…

The Battle of Waterloo and the Final Downfall of Napoleon

Fought on June 18, 1815, the Battle of Waterloo was one of the most decisive encounters in European history. The final defeat of Napoleon ended…

The Battle of Salamanca: Wellington at his Opportunistic Best

Fought on July 22, 1812, the Battle of Salamanca was a great success for the then Earl and later Duke of Wellington. Leading the British…

Fighting for Both Sides: the Spanish Army in the Napoleonic Wars

In 1807, Napoleon’s French armies crossed Spain to invade Portugal. It began a seven-year campaign known as the Peninsular War. For the Spanish, it was…

Napoleon’s Armies in the Iberian Peninsula

The Peninsula War was the most drawn-out campaign of the Napoleonic wars. French troops entered the Iberian Peninsula in 1807  and along with Spanish forces…

When Napoleon Invaded, These Men And Women Became Heroes of The Spanish Resistance

In 1807, the forces of Napoleonic France entered Spain on their way to invade Portugal. The following year, they took control of Spain itself. For…

Giving Up Their Lives For The Emperor – Officers Killed in Napoleon’s Peninsular War

Fought between 1807 and 1814, the Peninsula War was one of the most important theaters of the Napoleonic Wars. Due to the limits of communication…

5 Similarities Between Two of History’s Greatest Generals

The Duke of Wellington and Ulysses S. Grant were two of the greatest generals of the 19th century; arguably in the whole of history. Their…

Wellington: The Great Military Leader Who Led His Armies To Victory Against Napoleon

The armies that fought against Napoleon are some of the most celebrated in British history. Under the leadership of the Duke of Wellington, they drove…

The Duke of Wellington, Napoleon’s Arch-Enemy

Arthur Wellesley, the Duke of Wellington, was Napoleon’s most famous opponent. In 1808 he led the British, Spanish, and Portuguese forces that defeated the French…

7 Years, 100,700 Men – Napoleon’s Peninsular War in Numbers

The Peninsula War was one of the most drawn out and bloody of the Napoleonic Wars. Figures on the war help to shed light on…

Napoleon’s Win At Austerlitz – His Greatest Success

On December 2, 1805, Napoleon achieved what many consider his greatest success. Outnumbered by the combined armies of the Russian Tsar Alexander I and the…

Napoleon made huge changes to warfare – he was one of the most influential generals in history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most influential generals in history. Combining the ideas of the foremost military theorists of his era with the study…

Napoleon Bonaparte: A military life – one of the most successful generals in military history

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful generals in military history. Through skill as a military commander, he made himself the ruler of a…

Napoleon’s Imperial Guard – Elite Soldiers Who Served The Emperor

The Imperial Guard were the most famous soldiers in Napoleon Bonaparte’s army. An elite core of fighting men, they held a special place in the…

The Meat Grinder Of War – Why The Napoleonic Wars Cost So Many Lives

The Napoleonic Wars involved staggering numbers of men injured and killed. From 6% casualties at Fleurus in 1792 to 15% at Austerlitz in 1806. There…

Napoleon Changed His World, And Ours, In Many Different Ways

Napoleon Bonaparte is one of the most influential figures in European history. Two hundred years after his short-lived Empire collapsed, the world continues to be…

Napoleon: The Great General Also Used Propaganda to Boost His Popularity

Napoleon Bonaparte was a man of great talent. A skilled general, a cunning politician, and a charismatic leader of men. Another reason why his image…

Defeating The Russians At The Battle of Borodino Became Hollow Victory For Napoleon

On September 7, 1812, Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the Russian army at Borodino. It was the battle he had been seeking since invading Russia earlier in…

The Driving Force Behind A Conqueror – Napoleon’s Great And Powerful Armies

The armies of Napoleon Bonaparte were some of the most successful the world has ever seen. What made them so great? Dedication The men following…

The Long, Hard Fight – It Took Seven Coalitions To Defeat Napoleon At Last

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the most successful generals in history. Despite most of Europe opposing him, he expanded the French empire from the Atlantic…

Napoleon Bonaparte, Conqueror On Land, Not So Successful At Sea

One of the main reasons for Napoleon’s downfall was the inability of his fleets to defeat the British Navy. Here are ten reasons why the…

Ultimately, Napoleon Did Not Achieve His Ambitions – Here Are Eight Reasons Why He Failed

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest commanders in military history. Under his command, French forces crossed the length of Europe, leveling empires and bringing…

Top Four Famous Battleships Of The Napoleonic Wars

Navies were crucial to the Napoleonic Wars. In the days before rail, ocean transport was vital to the trading economies of the European powers. Naval…

How Napoleon Came To Be Buried At His Final Resting Place, Hôtel des Invalides, Paris

To tourists visiting Napoleon’s tomb at Les Invalides in Paris, it seems the most natural thing in the world that he should be buried there.…

The Ever-Ambitious Emperor: Napoleon’s Disastrous Invasion On Russia

Napoleon’s invasion of Russia in 1812 is remembered as one of the great disasters of his reign. Despite tactical successes on the battlefield, he was…

The Brutal And Merciless Peninsular War – Napoleon’s Invasion of Spain Was The Downfall Of The Emperor

Invading an Ally Before France invaded Spain in October 1807, the two countries were allies. However, Spain was not the reliable ally Napoleon wished for.…

Napoleon’s Blockade of Britain Was Hugely Ambitious But Undermined His Own Empire

In 1806, Napoleon Bonaparte launched a blockade of Great Britain. Merchants from the French Empire and its dependencies were no longer allowed to trade with…

The Climactic Battle of Waterloo Was A Huge Event On It’s Time, But It Still Matters Today

It is over two hundred years since Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. The defeat of France’s warlord Emperor saw the end…

Eight Reasons Behind Napoleon’s Invasion Of Egypt

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was his last great military campaign before seizing power as First Consul of France. Despite being a disaster, it helped him…

The Kingmaker – Seven Family Members Napoleon Used to Assert His Power

Like many rulers throughout history, Napoleon made use of his family. He discussed issues with them, and they were supporters and strategic assets in his political…

Disaster In The Desert: Napoleon’s Egyptian Campaign

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was one of the strangest failures in military history. A young general and statesman at the height of his abilities he…

The Italian Campaigns – Where Napoleon Built The Foundation For His Legend

Napoleon’s 1796 invasion of Italy was one of the most significant campaigns of his career. It was the offensive that turned him from a rising…

He Started As An Artillery Officer And Became An Emperor – The Spectacular Rise Of Napoleon

Napoleon Bonaparte began life as the son of relatively minor Corsican nobility. Through talent, perseverance, and charisma, he forged a path that took him to…

When Napoleon Invaded Russia, Freezing Weather And Determined Defenders Drove Him Back

Napoleon’s 1812 invasion of Russia is one of the most famous campaigns of his career. It was extraordinary for many reasons. The Size of the…

The Battle of Wavre – Ten Miles From Waterloo, Another Battle May Have Sealed Napoleon’s Fate

The long struggle of the Napoleonic wars famously culminated in the Battle of Waterloo. Undoubtedly Napoleon Bonaparte’s greatest defeat, this engagement would signal the end…

Napoleon Bonaparte Managed His Vast Armies With Communication, Delegation, And An Emphasis On Honor

The wars fought by Napoleon Bonaparte were like nothing that had ever come before. His armies were vast in scale and constant in their activity,…

How the Other Side Ate: Meals of Royal Naval Officers During The Napoleonic Wars

Officers of the Royal Navy at the turn of the 19th century were expected to live charmed and genteel lives. This was reflected in almost…

Napoleon Bonaparte Played A Clever Psychological Game – He Likened Himself To Powerful Figures From History, Like The Great Emperor Charlemagne

One of the most powerful tools in Napoleon Bonaparte’s intellectual arsenal was the connections he drew between his own life and that of great figures…

Grand Goals – Napoleon Aimed For High Achievements In Egypt

The Egyptian campaign Napoleon led in 1798 was one of the greatest disasters of his career. After his fleet was destroyed by Nelson at the…

Idolising the Enemy: 7 Englishmen Who Inspired Napoleon

For one of England’s greatest ever enemies, Napoleon Bonaparte was surprisingly fond of the English. Many of the great men who inspired him were English…

Napoleon Inflicts The Greatest Defeat in Prussian Military History

The twin battles of Jena-Auerstadt proved a major turning point for not only the Napoleonic wars, but also for 19th century Europe as a whole.…

Statues, Uniforms, And The Legion Of Honor – How Napoleon Celebrated Battlefield Courage

Napoleon Bonaparte was an inspiring figure. His greatest opponent, the Duke of Wellington, said that the French Emperor inspired such confidence that his presence at…

Napoleon As Augustus: How He Modelled Himself On The Roman Empire

“I am a true Roman Emperor; I am of the best race of the Caesars – those who are founders.” – Napoleon Bonaparte, 1812. Throughout…

How Napoleon’s Empire Empowered European Jewish Communities

The beating of war drums has seldom been a good sign for Europe’s Jewish communities. Dispersed by the endless conquests of their homeland, they were…

Napoleon Bonaparte, Famous European Conqueror, Was Inspired All His Life By Great Women

Despite sharing the gender biases common to his time, Napoleon Bonaparte’s admiration for great men extended to a few women. Though he once said that…

4 Soldiers of Humble Background Who Helped Make Napoleon Great

Napoleon Bonaparte was no ordinary Joe. His family were minor nobles from Corsica, and he was always destined to a more privileged life than 99%…

Seven Reasons Why Napoleon Should Have Lost in Italy

From 1792 to 1797, France fought a multi-fronted war against the First Coalition, the first of many attempts to bring the revolutionary nation to heel.…

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

A New Breed of Soldier: How the French Revolution Made Napoleon’s Career Possible

Napoleon Bonaparte’s rise to power marked the death knell of the French Revolution. His autocratic government ended the attempts at increased democracy that had shaken…

The Many Types Of Ships Used In The Napoleonic Wars

It is a common misconception that the Navies of the Napoleonic Wars used only massive ships, crewed by hundreds of men, which would slowly close and…

The Pressing of American Seamen And The War of 1812

Imagine yourself as an American sailor; the year is 1804. You are 30 years old, born in 1774, and have spent most of your adult…

How the Royal Navy kept order, Through Caning, Flogging, and Hanging

By the end of the 18th century, the wooden walls of England, as her Navy was so often called, was comprised of one of the…

Ultimately, Napoleon Did Not Achieve His Ambitions – Here Are Eight Reasons Why He Failed

Napoleon Bonaparte was one of the greatest commanders in military history. Under his command, French forces crossed the length of Europe, leveling empires and bringing…

The Meat Grinder Of War – Why The Napoleonic Wars Cost So Many Lives

The Napoleonic Wars involved staggering numbers of men injured and killed. From 6% casualties at Fleurus in 1792 to 15% at Austerlitz in 1806. There…

The 4 Types of Men Who Fought for Napoleon – Not All Wanted To

The awesome power of the Napoleonic Empire was built on the blood and courage of millions of soldiers. Though Napoleon is remembered as an icon…

Invading The Land Of The Pharaohs – Napoleon Comes To Conquer

Napoleon’s invasion of Egypt was his last great military campaign before seizing power as First Consul of France. Despite being a disaster, it helped him…