News | War History

From Jockey to Tunnel Rat – Viet Nam Vet Tells His Story

Standing only five foot tall in a line of thirty other young men, Kennith Ritchie waited for what everyone knew what was to come –…

Black Hawk Down – Powerful Footage of America’s Battle in Somalia

When Ridley Scott’s “Black Hawk Down” came out in 2001 it had all the features that make a great movie. As well as drama, tension…

Going At Mach 3+, The Amazing SR-71 Blackbird (Watch)

The United States Airforce developed an aircraft in the 1960s that was capable of flight more than three times faster than the sound coming from…

The WWII Pilot Who Flew His P-51 Through the Arches of Eiffel Tower

Since our childhood, stories of fighter pilots being awesome have always been the subject of our fantasies. But even the most valiant fighter pilots of…


The Tank Museum are offering people the chance to ride in Tiger 131 at this year’s Tankfest event, 25-26 June. The Tiger 131, a formidable…

Prisoner on Infamous Death Railway in WWII Celebrates 100th Birthday

Frank Kerridge, a former infantryman in the British Army during World War II, turned 100 on March 29th. This centenarian was captured during the war…

Australia’s Buried and Then Forgotten Soldiers

The Australian governments from the 1920s broke a promise that led to many ex-soldiers being buried without any recognition at all. As another Anzac Day…

The Manhattan Project’s Hanford Site Yields Difficult Questions

A family took a road trip to the Pacific Northwest. It was a father, mother and six-year-old daughter that traveled to Seattle and the Canadian…

What You Should Know About The Sherman Tank: An American Workhorse

Strength in numbers. This is exactly what the M-4 Sherman tank was good at in its heyday. World War II saw the rise of the…

Top 10 Greatest Military Blunders of World War II (Watch)

Why did the Allies win the Second World War? Did they have the best soldiers, or the best generals, or the most powerful weapons? Did…

The Day The Royal Marines Accidentally Launched An Amphibious Invasion of Spain

In 2002, a unit of 30 British Marines  in a landing craft from the Royal Navy’s amphibious assault ship HMS Ocean, armed to the teeth, stormed onto a…

The Russian AK-47 versus the American M16

The AK-47 and the M16 were two important rifles of the period following the Second World War. The AK-47, often known as the Kalashnikov after…