News | War History

WWI mass grave could contain remains of Lethbridge highlanders

Situated two hours southeast of Calgary in Canada, the city of Lethbridge is the fourth largest in Southern Alberta with a present day population of…

‘In Flanders fields’ featured in WWI commemorative park

“We are the Dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields.”…

Vietnamese Court Sentences Seven For Ripping Off Relatives Of MIA Soldiers And Digging Fake Graves

In Vietnam, a scam has been discovered in which families of soldiers missing in action were duped into believing their loved one has been found,…

BLACK WIDOW: America’s P-61 Night-Fighter

Northrop P-61, also known as Black Widow, was one of the largest aircraft in the fighter category and proved very effective, especially against the Japanese…

May 1941: Operation “Merkur”, The Destruction Of The German Fallschirmjäger in Crete

The German invasion of Crete in May 1941 stands as a landmark in the history of airborne warfare. Up until that point, airborne operations had…

Watch: Firing the 80 cm Railway Gun ‘Schwerer Gustav’

Schwerer Gustav – This was the name given to a German 80 cm railway gun, a huge piece of artillery designed to be shot from…

Ticking Time Bomb? The Mines At Messines -Over 1 Million Tons of Explosives-, 20 Detonated, 5 Remain, Waiting…

In 1917, the world was engulfed in war. For the first time, the economics of industry had been applied to warfare on a huge scale.…

Yukon C-47 Crash Site Revisited, Must See Dramatic New Photos

In my last week’s blog ( September 3 , 2015), I wrote about USAF’s horror year 1950, with 6 aircraft lost in 7 weeks, including…

Grandson of SS War Criminal Priebke Granted Name Change

The grandson of a World War Two Nazi war criminal has been granted the opportunity to change his name and remove his grandfather’s surname from…

New War Memorial for Tidworth Soldiers Omits Names

A new war memorial in a rural English town is being built but without the names of those who have died in service. According to…

Registering An Army – Service of Missouri Veteran Preserved Through WWI Draft Process

By Jeremy P. Amick The life of Clarence Miller can be easily summarized with a single word—responsibility.  Raised in Mexico, Mo., he left his studies…

WWII Weathermen Killed On Torpedoed Weathership Finally Received Purple Hearts

Accurate weather information for those who planned and flew bombing missions during the Second World War was crucial. Bad weather could obscure the target, and…