News | War History

The ‘Vietnam War’ – a horror episode in American History

American History

The 29th of April 1973 was the day when the United States finally pulled out of Vietnam and ended the war that the Vietnamese call…

70 years since Allied attack on Tokyo

Seventy years ago this March, Allied forces began the air raid bombing of Tokyo. The air raids weren’t a new tactic since the Allies had…

70th Anniversary Celebrations of VE Day

VE Day

For the Finest Generation this year’s Victory in Europe Day celebration will mark the last time that they can gather in significant numbers to celebrate…

‘High Hitler’ – a drug history of the ‘Fuehrer’

There is something strange and eerie about the way Adolf Hitler carried himself; everything about him was mysterious and odd. Now, recently discovered historic documents…

‘A missile crisis’ Veteran discusses Cold War experience at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba

Cold War

By Jeremy P. Amick The 1960s was a decade seasoned with many unique cultural events including the civil rights movement and the deployment of thousands…

‘Spirits Homecoming’- a movie of the forgotten ‘Comfort Women’ of WWII

After he saw the painting of  Japanese soldiers taking some young girls to a pit of fire, Korean filmmaker Cho Junglae decided to let the…

Story of Alan Carberry – Enthusiasm for WWII C-47 Dakota’s

WWII planes

Alan Carberry of Centerville, Indiana has great love and respect for a WWII plane knows as DC-3. He sees beauty and treasure of history pouring…

Historian finds out that his grand father arrested ‘Heinrich Himmler’

An amateur historians search for the identities of the soldiers who captured the right hand of Adolf Hitler, ended in a personal revelation. He found…

Bomb Disposal saved St. Paul’s Cathedral from certain destruction, and won ‘George Cross’

Bomb Disposal

St Paul’s cathedral was hailed as a symbol of resilience and bravery during WWII. In WWII German bombers bombed the City of London for almost…

Replica of WWI tank ‘Mark I’ also known as ‘The Mother’ is being built by volunteers in UK

WWI tank

An Outdoor arts company is building a life size replica of a very famous WWI tank.The company says that it will be used for various…

Invasion of Normandy – a D-Day veteran receives an award from the French government

Invasion of Normandy

Last year, the French government contacted the British Ministry of Defence to inform them that they wanted to recognize the brave surviving WWII veterans for…

Scars of WWII – Czech Republic determined to rid the country of the Nazis’ mess

It is said that wars leave permanent scars on the face of history. This becomes even more evident in the case of a world war,…