Reviews | War History

The Roman Barbarian Wars; The Era of Roman Conquest – Review by William McLaughlin

Roman wars against “barbarians” can often be very difficult to cover. In victory, they can be deemed inconsequential or unworthy of special mention by ancient…

The Great War Illustrated (1915) – Review by Mark Barnes

Here we have the second volume in a series that it is safe to assume has three more to go. There really is a limited…

Destination Pacific – Review by Mark Barnes

Many years ago my ex-wife’s family tried their best to get her father to write his life story down but he refused. He was a…

Battleground – Gallipoli – Anzacs The Landing – Review by Dr Wayne Osborne

This is one of Pen & Sword’s hugely popular Battleground series and the fact that this book is in its second print run is testimony…

Three of a kind: The stories of three pilots from different conflicts – Reviewed by Mark Barnes

The self-publishing juggernaut rumbles on with this entertaining and quite personal work from Kerry White from Australia. Having published two previous books, he now turns to the…

Luftwaffe X-Planes – Review by Mark Barnes

I profess to being a little confused when I first saw this book because I reviewed the same author’s X-Planes a good while ago and…

The Indian Army and the End of the Raj – Review by Chris Buckham

Intratheatre civil conflict, with its roots in religion, tribalism or ethnic differences, represents some of the most brutal and savage of conflicts. When initiated by…

Aircraft Carriers – The Illustrated History of the World’s Most Important Warships – Review by Mark Barnes

The nice people at Zenith Press in the United States have been mailing me books via UPS for a while now and I always manage…

A handful of heroes – Rorke’s Drift. Facts, Myths and Legends – Review by Mark Barnes

I doubt there are many visitors to WHO Towers who aren’t fans of classic war movies. The great era for them has long since passed and…

Leicester to Libya – Review by Mark Barnes

Read any of the great accounts of warfare from the major publishing houses and it will be apparent their reliance on primary sources for details…

Stations of Coastal Command Then and Now – Review by Mark Barnes

Books from After The Battle continue to have a strong influence on me and during this hugely important year for me as a writer I…

Airmen Behind The Medals – Review By Mark Barnes

Graham Pitchfork is a prolific author and happens to be a retired air force officer of vast experience and he brings all this to the books…