Valor | War History

Everyday Slang That Originated In the Trenches of World War I

Canadian soldiers going over the top of a trench

The English language is constantly evolving, with new words being added all the time. This isn’t a new phenomenon, with terms and expressions from across…

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt: The Most Produced American Fighter of World War II

Republic P-47 Thunderbolt in flight

The “Juggernaut,” the “Jug” – whatever you want to call it, the Republic P-47 Thunderbolt was an absolute beast in the skies over Europe and…

John Chapman: Mistaken for Dead, He Fought a Heroic Last Stand Against the Enemy

Jeff Edwards
John Chapman standing with his rifle + Military portrait of John Chapman

There have been many who performed distinct acts of valor and bravery during combat. While the majority are awarded for these actions not long after…

The BBC’s Coded Messages to the French Resistance During World War II

French Resistance member sitting in front of a radio

One of the best-known films about the Second World War is The Longest Day (1962), which centers around D-Day. In a number of scenes, members…

Did German Americans Actually Leave the US to Fight for Germany During WWII?

German soldiers marching together in uniform

In the acclaimed HBO miniseries, Band of Brothers (2001), Tech. Sgt. Donald Malarkey, played by Scott Grimes, asks a German prisoner of war (POW) where…

Bob Crisp: The Cricket Player and Tank Buster Who Took Out German Panzers In North Africa

Soldiers standing around damaged Panzer III tanks + Portrait of Bob Crisp

The majority of us lead lives that are fairly ordinary. There may be flurries of interest, even brief moments of heart-stopping excitement, but, most of…

‘Star Trek’ Star James Doohan Survived Six Bullet Wounds During the Allied Landings on D-Day

James Doohan as Montgomery "Scotty" Scott in 'Star Trek'

James Doohan saw action during World War II and in outer space. His exploits inspired many to become an engineer, and one individual even followed…

John Ripley Faced Enemy Fire for Three Hours to Stop the North Vietnamese Advance

South Vietnamese Marines wading through mud toward a US Navy Patrol Craft, Fast (PCF) + Military portrait of John Ripley

Đông Hà, the northernmost city in South Vietnam, was once bustling with military activity. Home of the 4th Marine Division and a major helicopter base,…

Remembering Easy Company In Photos

Still from 'Band of Brothers'

The accomplishments of Easy Company, 2nd Battalion, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division during the Second World War are perhaps most famously portrayed in…

Easy Company Facts Even Hardcore Fans of ‘Band of Brothers’ Don’t Know

'Band of Brothers' still.

HBO’s 2001 miniseries, Band of Brothers, has continued to gain popularity in the decades since its release. This is partly due to later generations having…

Sergei Aleshkov: ‘Seryozha’ Was the Youngest Soldier in WWII at 6 Years Old

Red Army troops firing their guns from the remnants of a building

The stories about children of war are often tragic; the Second World War, for example, claimed the lives of millions. Some were sent to concentration…

The Unstoppable Leader Who Took Out Two Machine Gun Nests, a Sniper and an 88 mm Gun

Two US Army Rangers armed with bazookas + Military portrait of Cecil Bolton

It’s a common theme among Medal of Honor recipients that they have no idea they’re earning one in the middle of their gallant actions. When…