Vietnam War | War History

The Fateful Last Mission Of Jack Rittichier, Coast Guard Rescue Pilot In Vietnam

The United States Coast Guard is world-renowned for its excellence in helicopter rescue operations. Few people realize how effective this was used during the Vietnam…

USCGC Heriberto Hernandez, Named For A Coastguard Hero Who Was Killed In Vietnam

On October 16, 2015, the United States Coast Guard gained a new Cutter. The 154 foot Sentinel Class Fast Response Cutter was named after a…

Australian Keith Payne Was Awarded The Victoria Cross for Great Heroism in Vietnam

The 1960’s war in Vietnam has long been remembered as a conflict fought primarily by the United States of America. What is often lost in…

The Only Marine to be Awarded a Medal of Honor for Actions as a POW, Donald Cook Was Truly Unbreakable in the Face of the Enemy

To be clear, there have been multiple Marines who displayed inexplicable gallantry in combat warranting a Medal of Honor before they were subsequently captured.  However,…

Para Rescue Jumper Duane Hackney, The Most Decorated Enlisted Man in US Air Force History

An Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, 4 Distinguished Flying Crosses with a Combat V, 2 Purple Hearts, 18 Air Medals, and ok, we have…

The Battle of Long Tan: 1500 Strong VC and NVA Force Ambushed 108 Australians – And Lost

During the Vietnam War, 108 Australian soldiers stood against some 1,500 to 2,500 Vietnamese forces near the village of Long Tan. When the battle was…

Some of the Reasons for the French Military Disaster at Dien Bien Phu

Arrogance. Ignorance. Poor planning. These were the weapons with which French commanders fought the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, and with which they ensured their…

Fellowship of combat – Jefferson City paratrooper killed in action during second tour in Vietnam

 War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

Clearing 10 Enemy Bunkers in the Jungles of Vietnam, SSGT James Bondsteel Emerged with the Medal of Honor

Jeff Edwards

Perhaps due to his name – part James Bond and part Man of Steel – it became apparent very quickly that Staff Sergeant James Bondsteel…

The Immense Tet Offensive – One Of The Biggest Campaigns In The Vietnam War

In the late evening hours of January 30, 1968, the Vietnamese New Year began. This annual celebratory event, known as Tet, signaled the coming of…

Skies over Vietnam – Air Force veteran flew missions in F-100 Super Sabre in Vietnam War

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

Red Against Red – China’s Failed 27 Day Invasion Of Vietnam

In 1979, China invaded Vietnam because Vietnam had invaded Cambodia, whose rulers were backed by China. The conflict lasted a month and resulted in tens…