Vietnam War | War History

Fall of Saigon – The Decisive End of the Vietnam War

World War II ended officially on 2nd September 1945. On the surface, harmony was restored in most of the world, and all out efforts were…

Para Rescue Jumper Duane Hackney, The Most Decorated Enlisted Man in US Air Force History

Jeff Edwards

An Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, 4 Distinguished Flying Crosses with a Combat V, 2 Purple Hearts, 18 Air Medals, and ok, we have…

Top 11 Battles of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War lasted from 1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975, officially between North Vietnam (North Vietnam) and South Vietnam (South Vietnam). In reality, it…

Raw Footage – 1st Air Cavalry Division – Vietnam War Helicopter Assault

This video footage is narrated by Military Policeman Michael Baker. It opens with a description of assault tactics carried out by helicopters by the 1st…

Killed While Leading From The Front, Australian Peter Badcoe was Awarded a Victoria Cross and an American Silver Star in Vietnam

When a warrior is set to receive the nation’s highest military honor, it is often for a singular event of conspicuous gallantry far beyond the…

Despite Frequent Disciplinary Problems, “Bunker Buster” Joe Hooper Was Awarded Medal of Honor Plus More In Vietnam

It is often the case that the men who give you the most trouble in garrison are exactly the sort of man that you want…

Weird! Air America Huey Helicopter Shot Down Two Vietnamese Biplanes By Firing An AK-47 Out The Door

On 12 January 1968, four North Vietnamese Air Force AN-2 Colt biplanes lifted off from an airfield in northeastern North Vietnam and headed west toward…

Fellowship of combat – Jefferson City paratrooper killed in action during second tour in Vietnam

By Jeremy P. Amick March 30 of each year has been designated in Missouri law as Vietnam Veterans Day, a brief moment in time “designed…

10 Facts About the Battle of Ia Drang (We Were Soldiers)

Colin Fraser

In 1954, the French decided to draw their struggles in what was once called French Indochina to a close. From then until the end of…

8 Reasons for the French Military Disaster at Dien Bien Phu

Arrogance. Ignorance. Poor planning. These were the weapons with which French commanders fought the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, and with which they ensured their…

Vietnam Green Beret Had 37 Separate Bullet, Bayonet, & Shrapnel Wounds & Still He Carried On Fighting

Master Sergeant Raul “Roy” Perez Benavidez was shot several times, suffered two grenade blasts, and got bayonetted while saving the lives of eight men. Despite…

The 4 Month Long Battle for Support Station Ripcord

FSB Ripcord Quad 50 1970- photo by Jack Wilhite 2/506 The Vietnam War was coming to its bitter end for the US Army by 1970…