Vietnam War | War History

Four Surprisingly Deadly Battles of the 20th Century

The books of history are filled with stories of wars. History speaks itself for the fact that we have failed at avoiding wars from ancient…

We ask who won the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War

In the late evening hours of January 30, 1968, the Vietnamese New Year began. This annual celebratory event, known as Tet, signaled the coming of…

The Forgotten South Vietnamese Soldiers of the Vietnam War

April 30th, 1975, was the day that South Vietnamese veterans of the Vietnam War lost their country. That’s the day the North Vietnamese finally won…

From Jockey to Tunnel Rat – Viet Nam Vet Tells His Story

Standing only five foot tall in a line of thirty other young men, Kennith Ritchie waited for what everyone knew what was to come –…

Real Life Air America: The CIA’s Covert Airline Used for Everything, including Drug Smuggling

The United States has lots of airlines: American Airlines, Delta Air Lines, Frontier Airlines, etc. One airline most people have not heard of is Air…

The Raid: The Failed Son Tay Prison Rescue Mission

Ian Harvey

Shortly after 2:00 am on the morning of November 21, 1970, the night sky near Hanoi was shattered by the roar of planes on their…

It’s True! A toilet was used as an aerial bomb during the Vietnam War

Jack Beckett

On November 4, 1965, some Vietnamese came across a very strange object that looked as if it had been dropped from the sky. Was it…

The Battle of Long Tan: 1500 Strong VC and NVA Force Ambushed 108 Aussies, They Lost

During the Vietnam War, 108 Australian soldiers stood against some 1,500 to 2,500 Vietnamese forces near the village of Long Tan. When the battle was…

How a South Vietnamese Pilot Stole A Chinook, Rescued His family Out Of Saigon And Crashed It Next To A Carrier

In April 1975, Saigon fell to the North Vietnamese Army, taking everyone by surprise. Panic ensued as Americans and South Vietnamese fled. For those who…

Fall of Saigon – The Decisive End of the Vietnam War

World War II ended officially on 2nd September 1945. On the surface, harmony was restored in most of the world, and all out efforts were…

Para Rescue Jumper Duane Hackney, The Most Decorated Enlisted Man in US Air Force History

Jeff Edwards

An Air Force Cross, the Silver Star, 4 Distinguished Flying Crosses with a Combat V, 2 Purple Hearts, 18 Air Medals, and ok, we have…

Top 11 Battles of the Vietnam War

The Vietnam War lasted from 1 November 1955 to 30 April 1975, officially between North Vietnam (North Vietnam) and South Vietnam (South Vietnam). In reality, it…