War Articles | War History

“Lucky 666: The Impossible Mission” – Review by Mark Barnes

There are a number of World War II-themed movies around at the moment, either in production, on the drawing board or close to release date. …

Stunning WW2 Operation Market Garden Color Footage

Operation Market Garden was the plan by Field Marshal Montgomery to outflank the German fortified Siegfried line by going through The Netherlands. The Netherlands is…

Masinissa: The Warrior King of Numidia who fought alongside his Armies Well into His 80s

Minor kingdoms and their Kings don’t often get a share of the historical glory because, well, they’re minor. But, one such minor king fought with…

Female WWII “WASP” Pilots One Step Closer to Gaining Entry to Arlington Cemetery

Ian Harvey

Should you inadvertently disturb a wasp’s nest, be ready for a great buzzing and possible attack by the inhabitants of the nest. So, it was…

Filling a Historical gap – Veteran Chronicles the Service of AC-119 “Shadow” Gunships in Vietnam

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star…

US Teenager’s Noble Mission To Speak To Every War Veteran and Record Their Stories

Rishi Sharma is on a mission. He wants to meet all the surviving World War II veterans and record their stories. He started “Heroes of…

Emotional Experience for Honor Flight WW2 Veteran Visiting The War Memorial In Washington, D.C.

Over twenty World War II veterans took the Greater Peoria Honor Flight last week to go to Washington, D.C. and visit the World War II…

WWII Plane Wreckage Discovered in Australia’s Northern Territories – It Will Now Be Recovered

Every year on June 30th, Colin Duncan would share a toast with his wife, Dawn, and say that she was lucky to have him. On…

In The Building Where High-Ranking German POWs Were Held, The Walls Really Did Have Ears

The walls really did have ears at Trent Park, where 59 high ranking German officers were held prisoner during the World War II. Microphones were secreted…

Mel Gibson Calls ‘Hacksaw Ridge,’ The Upcoming Movie About Desmond Doss, An Anti-War Movie

Actor and director Mel Gibson is back. Come November 4, his new movie “Hacksaw Ridge” will showing at movie theatres, putting an end to his…

The American WW2 Corsair – Known as the Whistling Death by the Japanese (Watch)

What was the role of the Corsair in World War 2? You are about to find out by watching this video! The Corsair was manufactured…

The Man in this Iconic Photograph Refused To Salute Hitler – For Him, The Consequences Were Terrible

His gesture remains engraved in the minds of people around the world, yet August Landmesser’s name is not widely known. He is the man in the iconic…