War Articles | War History

Expansion Underway at National World War II Museum in New Orleans

Ian Harvey

The National World War II Museum has eight projects under construction and another sixteen planned as they build on three-and-a-half square blocks in New Orleans’…

The Most Eagerly Awaited Game of 2016 – Single Player Trailer for Battlefield One Released – Check it Out Here!

The unrealized potential of Xbox360 and PS3 is now accessible with the advanced capabilities of PS4 and Xbox One that could draw gameplay aficionados to…

Constantinople: Holding The Walls At All Costs

At dawn, the leaders of the defence gazed out west from the walls of Constantinople. The two Byzantine commanders, Bonus and Sergius, did not speak…

P-51 Mustang Crashes Killing the Passenger and Injuring the Pilot

Mystery surrounds the reason for the airplane crash that claimed the life of one person and left a second fighting for his life in hospital. …

American WWII Veteran Fought in the Normandy Invasion and Survived the War to Rejoin His Sweetheart

Joseph Dappal parachuted into Sainte-Mere-Eglise in northwestern France hours before the history’s largest seaborne invasion. All he could see in the darkness was the light…

Australian WWII Bomber Pilot Recounts Harrowing First Mission

Ian Harvey

Leonard Bence flew Lancaster bombers for the Royal Australian Air Force in WWII. He recently recounted his first mission over Germany during a trip to…

Marine Who Held Machine Gun Alone Was Found Next Morning With Over 200 Dead Enemies Around Him

Jeff Edwards

The history of war is comprised of many occupational specialties necessary for military victory.  Within the culture of Military Service, one would often find rivalries…

Top Facts – The United States Marine Corps At The Battle of Guadalcanal

One of the most famous battles in the history of the United States Marine Corps, Guadalcanal takes its name from a small volcanic island in…

Eisenhower’s D-Day Orders Preserved as Part of Top Ten List

The National D-Day Memorial’s historical collection houses one of the Virginia Association of Museums’ Top 10 Endangered Artifacts. A copy of General Dwight D. Eisenhower’s…

A Very Rare Event – France’s Highest Honor Awarded to D-Day American Air Gunner from Georgia

In a very rare honor, James Livingstone of Whitemarsh Island was awarded France’s highest decoration being named a Knight French Legion of Honor. Recipients are…

New Movie Tells the Story of French Citizens Fleeing the onset of World War Two

South Florida theatergoers have a treat with the opening of the French film Come What May. Set during World War II in northern France, it…

New Hand Grenade Under Development For U.S. Army

Ian Harvey

Ask any soldier how he would choose to clear a confined space such as a room or cave and he will immediately turn to a…