War Articles | War History

Elite Island Skirmishers of the Mediterranean (Cretan Archers, Balearic and Rhodian Slingers)

Heavy infantry is often the driving and decisive arm in ancient battles along with heavy cavalry charges to drive home the victory, but those who…

Did You Know The Nazi’s Killed 16,000 People By Guillotine?

When you think of a guillotine, your mind usually pictures a medieval setting with a castle, a crowd of peasants and villagers ready for a…

Good “Old 666”, the Cursed Bomber that No One Wanted to Fly took on 17 Japanese Fighters Alone and Lived to Tell About It

When you see the number “666” on the tail number of a plane, it is entirely understandable if you opt to stay on the ground. …

Hans Joachim Marseille, anti Nazi & one of the most amazing fighter pilots of WWII

He was among Germany’s most accomplished flying Aces during WWII – though he hated killing. His success was valuable propaganda for the Nazis – yet…

WHAT?!! ‘Phantom Ghost Fortress’ B-17 That Landed at an Airfield – NO Crew Were on Board!!

Jack Beckett

A B-17 Flying Fortress landed perfectly at an RAF airbase and completes the full landing pattern as well. The bomber comes to a full stop;…

Last Dogfight of WWII in Europe Was Between Two Spotter Planes, Firing Pistols at Each Other. The German Aircraft Was Destroyed

Jack Beckett

The final dogfight of World War II may be the most unusual of all the air-to-air combat missions in the entire war. On April 12,…

World War Two Prisoner Of War Survivor Recalls the Wooden Horse And Great Escape

A World War II survivor, Mac Colquhoun, recalls strolling the grounds of his prisoner-of-war camp with bags of dirt hidden beneath his clothing. The 98-year-old…

New Book Details Role of Indians, Sikhs and Muslims in World War One

The role of Indian soldiers who took part in World War One has been commemorated in a new book called For King and Another Country:…

WWII Planes & Vehicles Buried in Camp Claiborne Louisiana?

Situated in Louisiana, the Kisatchie National Forest covers an area of around 604,000 acres, it may be a treasure trove for WWII enthusiast as military…

WHAT?!! ‘Phantom Ghost Fortress’ B-17 That Landed at an Airfield – NO Crew Were on Board!!

Jack Beckett

A B-17 Flying Fortress landed perfectly at an RAF airbase and completes the full landing pattern as well. The bomber comes to a full stop;…

Hit By Shrapnell Which Almost Tears Off Arm, Pries Own Grenade From Now Immobile Hand & Throws It At The Germans

Jeff Edwards

Senator Daniel Inouye served in the United States Senate from 1963 until his death in 2012.  At the time of his death, he was America’s…

Want to see inside a U-boat?? Then look here for 42 stunning images!

German submarine U-995 was a German Type VIIC/41 U-boat of the Kriegsmarine. She was laid down on 25 November 1942 in Hamburg, Germany, and was…