War Articles | War History

“Hitler Feared Blades” and Other Strange Facts About the Famous Dicator

Top 10 unknown facts about Adolf Hitler

Undoubtedly the worst and most evil man in the history, Adolf Hitler made its name in the pages of history as a ruthless tyrant and…

Two WWI Heroes Will Finally Be Awarded The Medal of Honor They Deserved

Finally, after almost a century since their brave feats during the First World War, two WWI heroes – Army Sergeant William Shemin and Army Private…

WWI Soldier Patrick O’Brien Awarded the Purple Heart Medal Almost 100 Years Since His Death

WWI soldier Patrick O’Brien has recently been awarded the Purple Heart Medal almost 100 years since his death while in action during the Great War. The…

Russia stages WW2 parade despite EU boycott

WW2 parade

Cadets carried a copy of the Banner of Victory on Wednesday during a celebration ahead of Victory Day in St. Petersburg. [Via] On Saturday 9th…

Two US Navy ships located, Sunk During D-Day Rehearsal – Killing Hundreds of Americans

US Navy ships

The wreck of LST 531 [Via] Two World War Two US Navy ships that were sunk of the south west coast of England have been located…

A testimony of the Reichstag Fire. Hitler: “It is a sign from God!”

Ovidiu Popa

Image Courtesy of Wikipedia On the evening of February 27th, 1933, an alarm was announcing not only a fire, but also a crucial moment in…

WWII Vet Wallace William Laverack Gets Perfect Send-Off – A Tank Tribute

Sons of WWII veteran Wallace William Laverack made a tank tribute for his funeral in honor of their father who was part of the British…

Battle of ‘Schlos Itter’ – defended by the Americans and the Wehrmacht from the SS

Schlos Itter

Schloss Itter, defended by the Americans and the Wehrmacht from the SS [Via] The last days of the Second World War witnessed the most unlikely and…

Top 10 US & UK Military Vehicles that Won WWII

Besides the men that put their lives on the line, it were the military vehicles that supported them and made their effort a possibility. For…

Mighty fine at 109 – America’s Oldest Veteran

Might fine at 109

[Via] America’s oldest WWII veteran celebrated his 109th birthday eating burgers, smoking cigars and drinking milkshakes. The resident of Austin, Texas, Richard Overton celebrated his…

‘The Hump’ – a Himalayan Mountain ridge that is the graveyard of hundreds of WWII soldiers

It all started with curiosity and a passion for adventure, when Clayton Kuhel decided to embark on a quest to Himalayas. Kuhel describes himself as…

USAAF War Stories- Ileen Lois, the love story bomber

Ileen Lois was the name given to a B-17 bomber which was recovered in 2013 after 69 years since it crashed in Lake Bolsena, the…