War Articles | War History

Nazi commando’s post-war life story reveals he settled in Ireland

Ian Harvey
post-war life

Otto Skorzeny was the Nazi’s top commando during World War II. Known as Scarface due to a large facial scar on his left cheek, he…

A secret Nazi bunker used for nuclear research has been discovered

Ian Harvey
secret Nazi bunker

A factory used by the Nazis during the war has hidden a secret entrance to an underground nuclear facility and secret Nazi bunker in northern…

Online game based on World War I’s Battle of Verdun features Christmas Day Truce

Ian Harvey
Christmas Day Truce

Verdun is an online video game where multiple players can take part in the fighting of World War I. The idea for the game was…

Top Ten Anniversaries for 2015 by the English Heritage

Here is the English Heritage’s top ten anniversaries set to be celebrated this year 2015 [events are arranged from the oldest]. Viking Invasion of England by…

So what happened to these Argentine Shermans? FORTY images may just tell us!!!

In the late 1940’s, Argentina bought nearly 450 M4 Sherman’s from Belgium in many british variants, over 250 of them were the Firefly version, with…

70 years on, Christmas during the Battle of the Bulge is remembered

Ian Harvey
Battle of the Bulge

The Battle of the Bulge began in the middle of December 1944. Allied troops were holding the vital town of Bastogne in the south of…

US Public Relations Firm Hired by Nazi Germany to Spread Favorable Propaganda

Ian Harvey
Nazi Germany

In 1933, the US based public relations firm of Carl Byoir and associates were contracted by the German Railroads Information Bureau, which was a state sponsored…

The Top Five War Flicks of 2014

2014 may be the year of science fiction movies with films like Interstellar and Guardians of the Galaxy, among so many others, dominating the box office but 2014 did not…

The German Invasion of the Netherlands – May 1940 in Pictures

In the morning of May 10th 1940 the German Army invaded the Netherlands. Below are a set of pictures that were taken by the accompanying…

World War I veteran recalls Christmas Day Truce of 1914

Ian Harvey
Christmas Day Truce

A never before heard audio recording of an interview with a World War I veteran who experienced the Christmas Day Truce in 1914 has been recovered. The…

Alfa Romeo bought by Mussolini comes up for Auction

Ian Harvey
Alfa Romeo

Benito Mussolini and Clara Petacci are well known figures from the twentieth century. The leader of the Fascist party in Italy was a close friend to…

UK and German artist commemorate World War I Christmas Day Truce

Ian Harvey
Christmas Day Truce

The Christmas Day Truce of World War I is being commemorated by artists from the UK and Germany in a joint street graffiti mural as…