War Articles | War History

New bill allows national World War One memorial for Washington D.C.

Ian Harvey

At the 100th anniversary of World War One, Washington D.C. is finally going to have a permanent national memorial to the soldiers who fought and…

World War heroes given second chance at Medal of Honor

Ian Harvey
Medal of Honor

World War heroes, who have never been honored or awarded for their bravery and actions because of their race or ethnicity, are set to finally…

Irish WWII D-Day Vet Pat Gillen Honored with France’s Highest Accolade

Irish native and WWII D-Day vet Pat Gillen was recently honored with France’s highest accolade – the Legion d”Honneur – for his brave feats during…

“A Nazi Guide to Christmas” Leaflet Found; Instructs Party Members How Christmas Should be Reveled

Unearthed from an archive in the German city of Dresden is a leaflet with the printed title stating A Nazi Guide to Christmas. The said pamphlet lists a number of…

A WEEK IN GALLIPOLI – Part 7 by Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes

Mark Barnes continues his adventure with a look at sacred spots for both Turkey and Australia on the battlefield. As the Australians poured ashore at…

Battle of Bastogne – Easy Company – 2nd Battalion Command Post in the Bois Jacques Forrest overlooking Foy

Reg Jans

Expert battlefield guide Reg Jans takes us into the Bois Jacques Forrest to the location of the 2nd Battalion Command Post. During the Battle for Bastogne Easy…

Goodbye, US Army Ranger, WWII and Famous Hollywood Photographer Phil Stern [1919-2014]

Phil Stern, famed Hollywood photographer responsible for some of the most iconic pictures of Hollywood and political bigwigs like Marilyn Monroe, Frank Sinatra and even…

Visitor’s guide to Corvallis, Oregon, ahead of ‘Civil War’ football clash

Ian Harvey
‘Civil War’

Corvallis is a town of around 55,000 people in Oregon, USA. There isn’t much to attract the visitor to the town, however it is host…

New Tampa Bay World War Two exhibit to feature replica German submarine

Ian Harvey
German submarine

Tampa Bay History Center in Florida, USA, will be opening a new World War Two exhibit, including a 30 ft replica German submarine used during…

Mates family shares their story of World War One tragedy

Ian Harvey
World War One

Thousands of names have been etched on memorials around the world to commemorate and honour those who have given their lives to war efforts. The…

Is This the First Moving Image of a War Poet? WWI Poet Isaac Rosenberg Captured in Archive WWI Trenches Footage

The Imperial War Museum is investigating a WWI footage in its archives for the proper identification of WWI poet Isaac Rosenberg. If indeed verified that…

Veterans to commemorate 70th anniversaryof the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium

Ian Harvey
Battle of the Bulge

70 years ago, Carl Wiggs from Montgomery, Alabama, was 19, a Private First Class, and stuck in a hole in the middle of Belgium’s Ardennes…