War Articles | War History

Jesus Statue Stolen From Village WWI Memorial

Villagers are outraged after a 40 inch high bronze figure of a crucified Jesus has been stolen from the memorial in the run up to…

Is an old Civial War fortress hiding beneath Beneath Alcatraz?

Texas A&M researchers have made an amazing discovery under the infamous American prison, Alcatraz. Using ground-penetrating radar, the researchers were able to discover the remains…

Computer Game Uses Japanese War Criminals as Targets

An official Chinese news outlet that has revealed an online game on Thursday, February 27, 2014, which requires the players to shoot Japanese war criminals.…

Kamikaze Pilots May be Commemorated as Unesco World Heritage

Japan has the desire to immortalize their kamikaze pilots–these pilots were young men who intentional crashed their aircraft into Allied ships during the Second World…

Rare Exhibit To Honour Heroes Of D-Day

Ian Harvey

The last remaining Hawker Typhoon was an important piece of resistance in the invasion of Normandy, on June 6, 1944 and is now set to…

62,000 WWI Heroes’ Names Up In Lights For Anzac Centenary

Ian Harvey

According to the director of the Australian War Memorial, Dr Brendan Nelson, each name will be displayed 19 times, on different occasions and about 30…

Top Gear Host James May Convinces BBC on WWI Poetry Program

From car engine power to word power, Top Gear host James May hopes to convince bosses of BBC to commission a program which will feature WWI…

Japan ‘Puzzled’ By China WWII National Days

Ian Harvey

This is currently the most recent intervention from Japan, who has been feeding arguments with the other Asian superpower over disputed territory and mixed interpretations…

Remembering Maria von Trapp, The Last of the Singing von Trapp Siblings (1915-2014)

Maria von Trapp, the last surviving member of the singing von Trapp siblings immortalized in the movie The Sound of Music has passed away last February 18…

Department “Played God” with Vietnam War Photo Dragging Williams, Blomley in Bitter Contest

For Vietnam War veteran Kerin Williams, he just wanted to get back the identity and historical past so rightly his to be returned. However, the…

Photo of the Whiteford Brothers Tells Incredible WWI Story

The three Whiteford brothers and their one photo equates to an incredible story during the World War I. Who would have known one war could…

“World Wars” Series Marks WWI’s 1ooth-Year Anniversary

For WWI 100th-year anniversary, A+E Networks’ History and H2 have set World Wars, a six-hour special event series which will premiere in the later part of…