War Articles | War History

Kenneth Knudson, a WWII Veteran, was sent to Jail for poor maintenance of his office building

January 3, 2014, the Blaze reports a story of an 88 year old WWII veteran being charged a fine and sent to jail in Horton,…

WWII Navy Veteran who enlisted when only 16 years old tells his amazing story!

Ian Harvey

Judy Bebee, a friend of Gene and his family, wanted to write his story and make it into a scrapbook for his two grandsons but…

The Last Flying B-29 Superfortress Is Returning To Florida

Ian Harvey
B-29 Superfortress

The Commemorative Air Force’s iconic aircraft will land at 10 Florida airports, along with P-51 Mustang The Brat III and other Second World War planes,…

Neo-Nazi dad urges child services return his baby girl named Eva Braun

Photo story (Clockwise from top left): (1) Heath Campbell and his fiancee Bethanie Zito arrived at family court in Flemington, New Jersey earlier in 2013 in…

Ronald Fowler – The WWII pilot who earned the nickname Fearless by flying under bridges

September 27, 2002, the Herald Scotland, wrote a story about a Fearless pilot from World War Two. At the age of 17, Ron Fowler was…

New Film Portrays Otto Weidt, The Blind “Unknown Schindler”

Otto Weidt was so much like Oskar Schindler – he was a German factory owner who used his business to save Jews. But unlike Schindler,…

British Mariners Awarded For Arctic Convoy During WWII

Ian Harvey

The Arctic Convoy saved millions of lives during the Second World War, by delivering vital supplies to the Eastern Front. Over 3,000 former servicemen have…

WWII Radar Operators and Friends Reunited after 7 Decades!

The friendship of two women developed throughout WWII rediscovered after 7 decades through a chance encounter that revealed they had been living 12 miles apart…

15,000 people attend march to remember a Ukrainian resistance fighter

Ian Harvey

For some, Stepan Bandera was a respected leader who became responsible for Ukraine’s liberation movement, while others described him as a Nazi collaborator. Most of…

Germany Seems To Ignore WWI Centenary

Ian Harvey

Although Britain has already invested over £50million in public money, for the commemoration of the start of World War I, academics couldn’t hold back from…

The Mystery of the Unnamed Vietnam Veteran Finally has a Name: Corporal Robert Corriveau.

Mail Online shares a story of Marine corporal Robert Corriveau. The 20 year old Marine was stabbed to death along the side of a Pennsylvania…

Operation Vengeance: Killing Yamamoto

Fox Orlando shares the story of retired Lieutenant Colonel Doug Canning. Canning was one of the members of an elite force that was tasked with…