War Articles | War History

Oradaour-sur-Glane Massacre Survivor is Sued over Book, and Wins

  RFI English shares the story of Robert Hébras. Robert and five others survived the Oradour-sur-Glane massacrein June of 1944. In this massacre, the German…

Proper Burial and Ceremony in the Works for Three WWI Soldiers Who Were Found 100 Years After the End of The War

Nearly 100 years after the first world war, archeologists found the remains of three World War One soldiers buried under a railway line. The soldiers…

A Closer Look at the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight

Keith Wilson, a noted photographer and author,  documented the work for the RAF’s Battle of Britain Memorial Flight. The BBMF can be seen at events…

1980 Operation Eagel Claw Commander, Lieutenant General James Vaught, Dies at 86.

Lieutenant General James Vaught was the commander of the 1980 mission to free more than 50 Americans who were held by the Iranians. The General…

America Hasn’t Always Been A War Hungry Nation

There was debate whether or not Iraq should be invaded or if soldiers should remain in Afghanistan. People looked back at World War 2 and…

Controversy Over Nazi War Criminal, Erich Priebke, Who Died at 100 Years Old

Italian officials seized the coffin of 100 year old Erick Priebke, the war criminal who was under house arrest in Rome. The coffin was taken…

Protection required for the Lancaster Bomber KB882

Deep in the woods of Edmonston, New Brunswick lies the Lancaster Bomber KB882. This plane was flew over Nazi Germany for 14 different combat missions.…

Searching for Nazi Planes that are Buried in Seymour, Indiana

The fields of Seymour, Indiana used to be an Army base filled with hundreds of soldiers and civilians. These people had one thing in common,…

Artist Arrested for Sculpting a Memorial Depicting the Rape of Women by Red Army Soldiers

Jeremy Szumczyk is an art student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Gdansk, Poland. Upon researching the use of rape as a weapon by…

Kent Battle of 1940 remembered as the last battle in British soil involving foreign enemy


The battle between the crew of a German bomber and British soldiers is now being marked in history as the last battle in British soil…

Port Meadow Bailey Bridge Constructed in Two Hours

Did you know that the bridge over the River Thames was built in less than two hours? Oh but it’s true. In 1947, crowds of…

The World War I Ghosts of Verdun Continue to Haunt the French Psyche


Verdun is one of the battlefields that hosted brutal encounters between the Allies and Axis Powers during the World War I. Yet, it is the…