War Articles | War History

The American Doolittle Raid And The Brutal Japanese Reprisals

Jay Hemmings

“they shot any man, woman, child, cow, hog, or just about anything that moved. Before burning the town they thoroughly looted it.” The Japanese attack…

Maynard Harrison Smith Was Given Two Options: Go to Jail or Join the Army – He Wound Up Receiving the Medal of Honor

Henry L. Stimson placing the Medal of Honor around Maynard Harrison Smith's neck

Often, war brings out traits in people they never quite knew they possessed. The most outwardly confident and confrontational individuals can turn out to be…

The WW2 Fighter Ace Who Broke the Sound Barrier in Secret

Yeager almost didn’t survive his first few combat missions in which he flew a P-51 Mustang. Shortly after he got his first confirmed aerial kill,…

Looting, Violence, Organised Crime – Britain in The Blitz

During the four months of the London Blitz from September to December 1941, a total of 4,584 cases of looting were heard by the Old…

When 5,000 British Archers Defeated Over 30,000 French Knights

Despite the numbers discrepancy, the English combined tactics and superior training to turn what could have been disaster into a resounding and humiliating victory. The…

Warrior of Skies That Downed 352 Allied Aircraft, The Worlds Greatest Flying Ace

Despite his cavalier attitude and lack of discipline, Hartmann’s training officers realized that he was an immensely talented pilot, and tolerated his behavior. 352 confirmed…

FROMELLES: Considered The Worst 24 Hours of Australia’s Military History

Robert East

Nothing in Australian military history before or since has matched this murderous advance at the battle of Fromelles. Today, Fromelles in northern France is a…

What if America Had Been Conquered By The Germans in WWII?

Had the Führer’s strategic vision gone according to plan, the Third Reich would have reached its full military might in 1948. On June 22, 1941,…

Took Guts & Ruthlessness: A Sabotage Operation of WW2

Around midnight, the four men gathered in the woods outside the power plant. Forman went in first, climbing over the fence and wall unseen. During…

The Crazy Dangers of Submarines Under Ice: To the North Pole & Back

The first impression was being in an infinite desert of ice…. There was nothing but a flat patchwork maze of ice floes in every direction.…

A Damn Good Lickin: When the Aussies Fought off an American Invasion

Other American GIs were assaulted randomly throughout the night as well. The Red Cross Club was again under siege. Official reports vary and the U.S.…

The Ghosts of Gettysburg: A Haunted History of a Battlefield

According to witnesses and researchers, paranormal activity is stronger in Gettysburg than anywhere else. It even has phantom perfumes! Gettysburg is a small town in…