War Articles | War History

Charged at 12 Germans With His Bayonet – Double Medal of Honor Recipient

The Battle of Belleau Wood would mark a turning point as the American forces helped to stop the final German offense of WWI. June 6,…

WWI Treasure To Be Salvaged From British Shipwreck Sunk by U-Boat

In 1997 2,000 bottles of champagne (1907 vintage) were salvaged from the wreck of a Swedish vessel sunk by a U-boat. An expedition is currently…

Was History’s Greatest Ever Military Leader an Unknown Korean Admiral?

Billy Moncure

Yi had never commanded a navy before, but went on to win 11 naval battles in the first four months of the war. Admiral Yi…

What Was It That Made Mongol Warriors So Unstoppable?

Jay Hemmings

To make the most of what a horse can offer in military terms, a cavalryman has to be an excellent rider. Genghis Khan and his…

The Most Senior Nazi NEVER Caught: Gestapo Chief Mueller

The last known sighting of Mueller was on the evening of May 1, the day after Hitler’s suicide, when he was seen at the Reich…

Great Escape Hero Diary Fetched $18,000 at Auction

Even though more than 600 prisoners participated in the building of tunnels, only 200 were to take part in the escape. On March 22, 2019,…

The Times They Are A Changin’ Drugs, Music, & The Vietnam War

The year that peace and love were being celebrated at the first Woodstock festival, 11,000 soldiers were killed in the Vietnam War. The widespread use…

The Führer’s Crimes: Hitler was a Tax Evader

Tax evasion was not, by any stretch of the imagination, one of Hitler’s biggest crimes. But for such a despicable man, every single act of…

When 500 Knights Defeated 40,000 Soldiers From the Ottoman Empire: The Siege of Malta

Billy Moncure

The assault on the fort failed as defenders used chain shot to destroy the Ottoman siege tower and other siege weapons. Voltaire once said “Nothing…

Basket Case, Strafe & Cooties: WWI Slang Still in Use Today

Jay Hemmings

“Shrapnel” is a term that did not originate in WWI, but which was certainly popularized by the war. For better or worse, the First World…

Mad Max Move Over: The Armored Gun Trucks of Vietnam

Joshua Baylor

Men of the transportation corps started converting 2.5-ton trucks into mobile gun platforms. They added wood and sandbags as well as mounting M60 machine guns…

14 Photos of the Remnants of War Prove that Nature Always Prevails

Damian Lucjan

Nature will always be stronger than man. There are two things that are certain in life: death and taxes. It is tempting to add one…