War Articles | War History

Churchill’s Catastrophe: The Disaster Before Gallipoli

Billy Moncure

On November 3, 1914, before the United Kingdom even officially declared war on the Ottomans, Churchill ordered bombardments to begin. The European Great Powers had…

Britain’s Pearl Harbor: Japan Repeats Its Success of WWII

Jay Hemmings

The attacks were successful and both ships were sunk, with 424 British seamen killed and 1,120 men left in the water for many hours after…

The Ghost Army Of WWII – The Real-Life “Phantom Menace”

The men of the 603rd Camouflage Engineers designed and built hundreds of extremely convincing-looking rubber and inflatable tanks. In the animal kingdom a common tactic…

Big Ego, Love Him or Hate Him But MacArthur Lead From the Front in WWI

American generals and forces were under tremendous pressure to show that their arrival in Europe was not just full of promise, but a real contribution.…

Spielberg and Mendes to Shoot new WW1 Movie

An application requesting permission to temporarily use Govan Graving Docks in Glasgow for movie production has been approved by the Glasgow City Council. The planned…

The Blockhaus – The Gigantic WWII German Bunker you can Still Visit Today

It is estimated that it would have required 200,000 tons of concrete as well as the 20,000 tons of steel to complete the bunker. The…

The Wretched Fate of The USS Thresher

Joseph Williams

One of the submarine vets aboard Skylark would state, “We heard sounds that are familiar to me,the sound of a ship breaking up—like a compartment…

Wounded Four Times The WW1 Carrier Pigeon That Flew to the Rescue

The bird was in awful condition, having been hit in the breast, lost one eye, gotten a bullet hole in her wing, and had a…

The Forgotten Invasion of France

Joshua Baylor

The first regular troops that would go ashore were the battle-tested U.S. 3rd, 45th, and 36th Divisions supported by special forces units on their flanks.…

5 American Armored Cars of World War II

The British had been deeply impressed by the performance of German eight-wheel armored cars, so now they asked the Americans to produce an Allied version.…

Rin Tin Tin: The WW1 Dog Who Became a Film Star.

Ruslan Budnik

Throughout his career as an actor, Rin Tin Tin acted as a wolf many times, primarily because it was much easier for directors to work…

The Time When WW1 Veterans Turned a Peace Day Into a Riot!

Jay Hemmings

It is estimated that out of the whole population of the city, one person in fifty was killed in the war. When the Peace Treaty…