War Articles | War History

Guns of Navarone: How Effective was Coastal Artillery in WWII?

Joshua Baylor

Total Axis losses to the British guns consisted of four transport ships, and one submarine which was damaged and then scuttled by her crew. Most…

What if Britain had Lost the Battle Above its Skies in WWII?

The most likely result of German victory and the success of Operation Sea Lion would have been a new government in the UK. During the…

Foo Fighters Learn to Fly: UFOs of WWII

Jay Hemmings

Some researchers became more convinced that the foo fighters had then simply been hallucinations. The name “foo fighters” has become synonymous with Dave Grohl’s rock…

‘A Decision to Serve’ The Korean War Veteran Who Upheld a Family Legacy

Jeremy Amick

“With the Korean War going on, I realized I didn’t want to be drafted into the Marines or Army and have to sleep on the…

The Impregnable City Walls of Constantinople Finally Fell To a 21-year-old Sultan.

Christian Oord

“Be satisfied with the booty and the captives; the buildings and city belong to me.” Those were the words spoken by Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II…

Could Hitler Have Avoided Defeat in Soviet Union?

“We cannot enter into alliances until we are acquainted with the designs of our neighbors.”  ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War It was 1939,…

The Order Of The Assassins: Medieval Masters Of Asymmetric Warfare.

Jay Hemmings

Drugs were an integral part of the brainwashing process that the Assassins supposedly used to train young men to become single-minded, fanatical killers. Everyone today…

The Eastern Legions – One Million Foreign Recruits

Joshua Baylor

As many as one million foreign recruits, volunteers, and conscripts fought on the side of the Germans. Imagine the surprise of Allied forces at Normandy…

The German Units Tasked To Throw The Normandy Invasion Back Into The Sea

Joshua Baylor

Despite heavy losses, remnants of the LSSAH would go on to fight in the Ardennes campaign, the defense of Vienna, and the Battle of Berlin.…

From the Windy City to The Cold War: Dennis & Honest John.

“We had targets set up and fired two separate test rockets while we were there to measure the amount of damage they could inflict on…

Springboard to NASA – The Flight-path of an Astronaut.

“In one of the buildings on the base, they had photographs of all of the Apollo astronauts hanging on the wall.” He added, “Seeing those…

Barking Mad Story! British Cavemen Were To Plot Third Reich Shipping

Ruslan Budnik

The entrance to the tunnel would be bricked up, thus sealing the six men in the cave for a maximum of 7 years. After the…