War Articles | War History

Differing By Just 1mm The US 76mm Guns Were So More Effective Than The 75mm Guns

The cannon on a tank is vital in any battle particularly when there are other tanks on the battlefield. According to tank destroyer doctrine, only…

Ambroise Paré – 16th Century Surgeon and Father of Military Medicine

Ambroise Paré was a French military surgeon and pioneer of many medical techniques. He was skeptical about the accepted medical wisdom of his day as…

Nazi commander Walter Rauff Escaped Justice for The Extermination of 100,000 People, He Died a Free Man In 1984

Walter Rauff, born in 1906 in Germany, rose through the Nazi military and party ranks in the lead-up to World War II and became responsible…

Stalin’s kamikaze Canines, Soviets Trained Dogs to Blow up Tanks

Conan White

In World War One, there was one truly innovative and profoundly effective weapon: the tank. It had only been used towards the end of the…

“Lancaster Skies” – WW2 Bomber Command Feature Film Set For Release (Trailer Inside)

The release date for upcoming feature film Lancaster Skies has finally been announced. On February 27th, UK audiences will be able to watch the incredible…

“Taking Flak” & Other English Expressions That Have Their Origins In WW2

War is a driver of many innovations, particularly in the field of technology, which can often evolve in leaps and bounds. However, it also prompts…

Bizarre: He Taught His Dog To do The Nazi Salute, They Spent 3 Months Trying to Prosecute Him

World War II  involved over a hundred million fighters and caused a death toll that ran into millions. So perhaps you might be wondering why…

Syndrome K, The Fake Disease Created by a 28-Year-Old Dr to Save Jewish Lives During WW2

On September 8, 1943, Pietro Badoglio, the newly appointed Italian Prime Minister, announced Italy’s unconditional surrender to the Allies. The declaration had been a long…

The British Operatives Who Came Too Late to Save Poland, & the Treasure They Brought Back

In 1939, a team of British covert agents traveled to Poland. Sent to help resist the German invasion, they arrived too late to make a…

Eileen Nearne, a British WW2 Heroine & Sort of Female James Bond

The “Croix de Guerre,” or “Cross of War,” is a French military decoration honoring people for their resistance against the Nazis in WW2. Furthermore, being…

Dries Riphagen, The Silver-Tongued Dutch Criminal, Sent Many Jews to Concentration Camps

Bernardus Andries Riphagen, known as “the Dutch Al Capone,” was even more unscrupulous than his American gangster counterpart. The man was a criminal through and…

Revealing the Ineffectiveness of Early British Night-Bombing Raids

Before World War II began, there was a general acceptance that the strategic bombing of cities and industrial areas would be a major factor in…