War Articles | War History

How the Allies Guessed the Number of German Tanks Using Serial Numbers

The “German tank problem” is a statistical approach which is employed in estimating the total number of existing items from a simple random sample of…

Japan Surrendered, Civilians & POWs ‘Disappeared’ They Could No longer Testify to the Atrocities Committed by the Guards

Ruslan Budnik

After Nazi Germany was defeated in May 1945, the Empire of Greater Japan was the only obstacle to ending the Second World War. But the…

Toys R Us: The WW2 Veteran Who Created A Toy Store Empire That Collapsed Only Days After His Death

Jay Hemmings

Few people who have lived through the latter half of the twentieth century and the early part of the twenty-first, whether they were born in…

Third of Military Budget of The Third Reich Consisted of Jewish Wealth

Ruslan Budnik

Most often, when people talk about the reasons for Adolf Hitler’s success in power, they recall his oratorical abilities, political will and intuition, the difficult…

Outlaws and Outcasts Led by a Former Slave Overthrow a Dynasty

Morgan Deane

Medieval China is a fascinating period to study. Most people think of the large and influential dynasties, and even many scholars don’t know a great…

Keeping Enigma Secret From The Germans – Many Lives Were Lost Sacrificed Doing So

How cracking the German Enigma code impacted on the course of the war cannot be understated. Cracking the code was possibly the greatest intelligence coup…

Canned Food & Processed Food Industry is an Aftermath of WW2 Ending Sooner Than Expected

Morgan Deane

Food has often been an important part of warfare. What is less known is how food developed for warfare changed people’s lives after the war.…

Firing The .50 Cal From a Sherman Tank: How Often Was This Actually Done?

Jay Hemmings

From the very first moment that the earliest tanks rolled onto the battlefield in the First World War, they forever changed the way ground battles…

This German Officer Gave His Life In A Minefield To Save An American Soldier

The story of Friedrich Lengfeld is one which is not so common in history. Occasionally we hear of soldiers who throw their bodies into the arms…

Death is Not Defeat: Mass Suicides in Nazi Germany in 1945

Ruslan Budnik

On April 30, 1945, while in his Führerbunker in Berlin, Adolf Hitler shot himself. Around the same time, about a thousand residents of the German…

Pilot Rammed an Italian Bomber Then Arrested the Surviving Crew With Just His Pistol

Conan White

On May 22nd, 1939, fascist Italy signed a treaty called “The Pact of Steel” with Nazi Germany. This promoted stronger ties between the two countries,…

Death & Marriage in Civil War: John Marshal Gains Power in Medieval England

Morgan Deane

Civil wars contain challenges on a number of levels. The often tortuous family trees of medieval monarchs combined with many ambitious minor officials who hardly…