War Articles | War History

5 Twentieth Century ‘British’ APCs

From the first improvised vehicles to professional, custom-made versions, the British army’s armored personnel carriers (APCs) saw some serious changes during the 20th century. Kangaroo…

How Neutral Countries Responded to WW2 – Some Made a Fortune From It

When the Second World War broke out, it looked set to redefine the shape of Europe. Despite this, many countries on the continent tried to…

17 Facts About the Spitfire – We all Know These, Right?

The iconic British aircraft of World War Two, the Spitfire, has come to represent defiance, courage, and ingenious engineering. Here are some facts about one…

How France Fell to the Nazi Invaders

In May 1940, Nazi Germany invaded France. The resulting campaign was a disaster for the Allies. The Germans tore through north-east France, completely outmaneuvered their…

The Mines At Messines: The Biggest Explosions of the Pre-Nuclear Era

Ian Harvey

Mankind never seems to tire of finding new and inventive ways of killing one another during wartime. Not long ago, soldiers were restricted by the…

The Battle of the Atlantic

Morgan Deane

During the Second World War, the Germans attempted to put pressure on the Allies by targeting commercial vessels which were needed to supply Britain’s war…

The Battle of Bosworth Field: How Richard III Lost His Kingdom & His Life

Andrew Knighton

The Battle of Bosworth Field was fought on the 22nd of August 1485 outside the small town of Market Bosworth, England. It was one of…

9 Soviet Fighter Planes of WW2 – Some fantastic Airplanes Here

When we talk about Soviet military vehicles of the Second World War, the focus is usually on tank production. But while that’s where the Soviets…

Incredible Story he Held off the Japanese Military for 48hrs With Just Bayonets, Rage & Brute Force

When the time comes to face the enemy, the inevitable question arises as to whether it’s worth the sacrifice. Many would weigh causes and odds…

We Were Soldiers: 22 trips in & out of LZ X-Ray, Choppers Got Shot up so Bad he Had to Use 3 Different Ones

Most fans of war films have probably seen the movie We Were Soldiers, but did you know that hidden in that movie is a Medal…

Shot Down 26 Japanese Aircraft, Governor & NRA President Joe Foss

Morgan Deane

World War II Ace, Joe Foss, was more than just a war hero. His remarkable life made him a man for all seasons covering war,…

Bob Crisp: The Cricket Player and Tank Buster Who Took Out German Panzers In North Africa

Soldiers standing around damaged Panzer III tanks + Portrait of Bob Crisp

The majority of us lead lives that are fairly ordinary. There may be flurries of interest, even brief moments of heart-stopping excitement, but, most of…