Shot Down 26 Japanese Aircraft, Governor & NRA President Joe Foss
World War II Ace, Joe Foss, was more than just a war hero. His remarkable life made him a man for all seasons covering war,…
Bob Crisp: The Cricket Player and Tank Buster Who Took Out German Panzers In North Africa
The majority of us lead lives that are fairly ordinary. There may be flurries of interest, even brief moments of heart-stopping excitement, but, most of…
The Italian “Stalingrad” When 2,600 Canadian Men Were Sacrificed for a General’s Pride
Some 141 miles due east of Rome is the small city of Ortona. If Italy is a boot, then Ortona lies north of the heel…
Took on 22 Japanese Fighters: Then Led an Infantry Charge on The Beach
Of the circumstances surrounding the US involvement in WWII, Pearl Harbor is the attack that stands out. However, this was not the only US military…
Last US Casualty of WWI: Futile Gesture or Heroism?
War is a lot of things. Heroic. Interesting. World-changing and life-altering. Many things move us, anger us, and frustrate us when we reflect on war.…
Royal Marine Commandos: The Beginning of Best, 3 Brigade’s History in Photos
The Fate of Great Britain is tied to the ocean. For scores of years the might of the Royal Navy has been the safeguard for…
The submarine commander who sank a ship with Molotov cocktails
Submarines use torpedoes to sink ships. This is something that everyone knows and accepts. But while this fact applies to almost all of the campaigns…
A Prolific Destroyer: Paddy Mayne – Founding Member of the SAS & a Total Hardcore Wild Warrior
“Wild maybe, but he was definitely someone you would want on your side.” Colonel Robert Blair Mayne also known as ‘Paddy’ and as a prolific destroyer…
Did you Know in 1945, the Navy Secretly Handed Over 150 Warships to Russia for an Invasion of Japan
By late 1944 and early 1945, the defeat of Nazi Germany seemed imminent and Allied attention moved to the East. Russia and Japan had fought…
WW2 “Sweetheart Grips” Surprisingly Few People Know About Them
The personalization of equipment goes back for centuries. The Greeks often had to supply their own armor so they usually added ridged elements that simulated…
The Gigantic Martin JRM Mars Flying Boat in Pictures
The Martin JRM Mars was conceived in 1941 as a patrol bomber, intended to scale up the already existing Martin PBM Mariner. The prototype, designated…
7 Innovative Explosives from Britain’s Eccentric WW2 Experts
During the Second World War, Britain’s Special Operations Executive (SOE) employed a group of eccentric and gifted inventors to create innovative weapons. Mostly designed for…