War Articles | War History

Turning Point of WWII – 5 facts & Dozens of Photos of the Battle of Stalingrad

Ruslan Budnik

The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the biggest battles of World War II. During the battle, both the Soviets and the Germans suffered significant…

Sunken WWII Tanker is Ecological Time Bomb

Ian Harvey

The Franken was a German tanker that sank at the end of World War II. It was capable of carrying up to 11,000 tons of…

The Flying Tank: Why One of the Most Produced Aircraft Just Disappeared After WWII

The Ilyushin Il-2 was one of the most heavily produced aircraft in military history. More than 36,000 of these Soviet planes were built, most of…

Victoria Cross Recipient : Hero of Hell Ted Swales was found dead at the controls

During World War II, men from all over the world fought within the British armed forces. Some had fled countries overrun by the Nazis. A…

Weapons That Turned Deadly On Their Own Users

Jeremy Lyons

When soldiers go to war, they know they are risking life and limb to serve their country. Many accept that they may never make it…

10 of the Most devastating Bombing Campaigns of WWII

Ruslan Budnik

“The bomber will always get through” is one of the most well-known quotes in the history of British parliamentary speeches by Stanley Baldwin. During World…

Bruce Willis in New film “The Bombing” Shows Courage and Daring American & Chinese Pilots

The all-action movie star, Bruce Willis, is set to headline an epic new war film based on an untold true story. Air Strike (previously known…

WWII Hero General James Thayer – Father to KISS Guitarist Tommy Passes at Age 96

Jeremy Lyons

A distinguished veteran of World War Two, Brigadier General James B. Thayer passed away on September 16, 2018. The rock band Kiss, in which Thayer’s…

Despite British Critics – Americans Proved Their Worth on Hill 609

David Baker

Most battles are mental challenges carried out by physical forces, wherein a commander must solely focus on how to acquire superiority over the enemy. But…

Merrill’s Marauders Fought Through 1000 Miles of Burmese Jungle – Now Only 13 Remain

Jeremy Lyons

Merrill’s Marauders were three thousand men who volunteered to go on a secret mission in World War II. The mission was so secret, the men…

The “Forgotten War” That Has Never Ended

Ian Harvey

Has a country actually gone to war if it never publicly declared its intentions? Decidedly yes, if the Korean War is carefully examined. In 1950,…

Hitler the Deluded: His Key Mistakes In WW2

David Baker

Adolf Hitler had huge plans for his Third Reich and nothing short of total domination over Europe and Great Britain would satisfy him. But while…