War Articles | War History

Buried by Germans Now 82nd AB paratrooper to be buried in Pennsylvania

74 years ago, during World War II, a young American soldier named Willard “Bud” Jenkins was serving his country in the Netherlands when he was…

Nazi Myths: What Some Still Believe About Hitler & the Third Reich

Modern history might have no more darkly compelling figure, around whom myths and fantastical stories swirl, than Adolf Hitler. The reasons for this aren’t surprising.…

One Filipino Soldier vs Japanese Squad – They Needed Reinforcements

“Give me ten thousand Filipinos and I will conquer the world.” – Douglas MacArthur Looking back at the various historical wars and battles, one can…

Sergeant Apone of Aliens – One of Our Favorite Marines Dies at age 75

A report in the Spanish newspaper, El Pais, states that veteran actor Al Matthews has passed away in Alicante on the Mediterranean Coast of Spain.…

Clive Dytor’s Battle-Winning Bayonet Charge in the Falklands War

British military history is full of stories of heroism against the odds. From the desperate defense of Rorke’s Drift against the massed Zulus to the…

When The USA Wanted To Nuke The Moon To Impress The Russians

Ruslan Budnik

In 1958, the United States developed a secret project to explode an atomic bomb on the surface of the moon. The explosion, when seen from…

Pull Two Pins and Say A Prayer: Aussie Warrior Kevin Wheatley

It’s been said that war brings out the best and the worst in humanity. It’s the ultimate test of mettle. There are those who capitulate…

Unrestricted Submarine Warfare: The Slippery Slope of No Return in Military History

The gravity of the situation demands that we should free ourselves from all scruples which certainly no longer have justification. — Admiral Friedrich von Ingenohl,…

Holding Back the “Savages” – Roman Engineering of Hadrian’s Wall

The Romans built many enormous and impressive structures – castles, arenas, coliseums – that even today offer mute testimony to the ingenuity and brilliance of…

One Man’s Dissent Against the Tyranny: August Landmesser Risked Everything For What’s Right

People are mostly judged on their actions and by what they do. But sometimes what people don’t do can be just as revealing, particularly in…

Outnumbered But Not Outsmarted: Aussies Beat Viet Cong at Long Tan

Ian Harvey

There is indeed strength in numbers, but sometimes what matters is not the size of a group but its will and ingenuity. Sometimes, experience is…

Das Reich General Who Saved an Army from the brutal hands of the Soviets

Ian Harvey

War seldom ends the instant that signatures are put on a peace treaty, or an announcement of intent to surrender is made. Skirmishes frequently continue…