War Articles | War History

B-1 Bomber Developer Helped End Cold War – Left A Mark on History

David Baker

The end of the Second World War should have brought about a cessation of tension, but nature abhors a vacuum in politics just as much…

Little Known Soviet “Doolittle” Raid on Berlin

Before and during WWII, or “Great Patriotic War” as it is known in the nations that made up the USSR, the Soviets built tens of…

Black Sunday – The Disastrous Ploesti Raid in Photos and Video

Officially known as Operation Tidal Wave, the Ploesti Raid occurred on 1 August 1943, and because it marked the second highest loss suffered by the…

Gulf War Vets Use Virtual Reality to Treat PTSD

Ian Harvey

It is estimated that 11 – 20% of soldiers who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIF) and Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) suffer from Post Traumatic…

B-25 Mitchell Bomber – Photos and Videos

During the Second World War, the high adaptability of the B-25 Mitchell Bomber–named in honor of the pioneer of U.S. military aviation, Brigadier General William…

Iron Men and Iron Ships: The Riverboats of the American Civil War

The American Civil War, in contention with the Crimean War to be considered the first modern war, saw advances in warfare both on land and…

2 Hour Break At Antietam – Suddenly Both Sides Stopped Fighting

Battles don’t unfold as one might imagine. They don’t progress in orderly or predictable ways. Smack in the middle of the bloodiest day in U.S.…

14 Early British Tanks – After “Little Willie” the Names Got Better

As the inventors of the first tanks, the British produced many early influential fighting vehicles. Little Willie In 1915, the British government set up the…

How Radar was the Game Changer of WWII and It’s Only Gets Better


During World War II, in August 1940, Germany started taking the fight to the skies of Great Britain, the last nation in Europe that stood…

The Soviet Invasion of Poland, 1939

September 1939 is mostly remembered for the German invasion of Poland, the event that triggered the Second World War in Europe. But Germany wasn’t the…

Women Attracted to War Heroes According to UK Study

Ian Harvey

  The University of Southampton in the United Kingdom has published a study showing that women are more attracted to war heroes than to other…

Only US Soldier Shot for Desertion in World War Two – Eddie Slovik

During the Second World War, the United States Army came under huge strain. Faced with the shock of fighting in the Pacific and North Africa,…