War Articles | War History

From Mice to Elephants – The Amazing 5 Years of WWII Vehicle Development

Growling onto the battlefields in a blaze of shell-fire, the first motorized fighting vehicles made their appearance during the First World War. By the beginning…

Clash of the 3 Viking Kingdoms – The Battle of Helgea

With the conquest of England in 1016, and his recognition as the king of Denmark in 1018, Cnute the Great had, with his hand of…

Tourists Caught Stealing from Auschwitz – It’s Not the 1st Time!

It’s not uncommon for tourists to want to take mementos and souvenirs home from their trips abroad, but there are just some places and some…

Determined Fighting for a Terrible Cause – Germany’s Desperate Defense of Normandy

On the 6th of June 1944, the Allies invaded Normandy. For the German troops defending this region of occupied France, it was the beginning of…

Japan’s Dr. Mengele: Medical Experiments on POW’s at Unit 731

The main site of Japan’s experiments into biological warfare was the prisoner of war camp known as Unit 731 located in Pingfan, Manchuria, where Chinese…

Crazy: The Crew Was Inside When Dropped From a Plane – 23 Facts About the Soviet BMD

Infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) were a vital part of the Soviet Union’s Cold War military machine. The nation led the way in developing and fielding…

Romans & Vikings: 3 Fantastic Books from Haynes – Review by M. Barnes

Printed books are making a comeback as people get bored with tablets and their lack of the substance only achieved with ink and paper.  I’m…

Lwów Eaglets – The Polish Teens that Defended Lwów from the Ukrainians

When in late 1918, the Habsburg empire was at the brink of collapse, nations of central Europe started to think about creating their own states.…

Can the U.S. Navy Learn from King George III’s Mistake?

Though the British fought the majority of their wars in the 1770s to win and keep the American colonies, these soon became one of their…

Glendale – The Battle that Lee, Stonewall Jackson, and McClellan Would Like to Forget

The Battle of Glendale took place on June 30, 1862, as part of the Union-orchestrated Peninsula Campaign of the American Civil War. During the end…

When the British 1st Used Poison Gas – Battle of Loos

Though not as well remembered as the Somme, the Battle of Loos was one of the British Army’s great humiliations of the First World War.…

Armored Warfare Launches On Xbox One In Early August

Beginning August 2nd on Xbox One players can indulge in Armored Warfare’s addictive brand of fierce free-to-play modern tank action. Developer and global publisher My.com, is…