War Articles | War History

A Turning Point In The Life Of Musashi, The Undefeated Samurai

Miyamoto Musashi was three hours late. This was his way. On the beach the tension in the air was palpable. Sasaki Kojiro paced up and…

When 20 Canadian Prisoners Were Murdered By The Waffen SS In Normandy – The Ardenne Abbey Massacre

In the early days of the Normandy campaign 20 Canadian soldiers, members of the North Nova Scotia Highlanders and 27th Armoured Regiment (part of the…

Rudolf Hess: The British people “took care of me very well. They…put a rocking chair near the fireplace and offered me tea”

Rudolf Hess was one of the most notable politicians of the National-Socialist Party and, later Deputy Fuhrer of the Third Reich. His early life is…

The Secret German Weather Station In Canada, Discovered 38 Years After It Was Built

The Second World War proved to be not only a war fought for resources, territory and domination, but also a war of information. All sides…

A Soldier’s Journal: “Boys, this is old South Carolina, lets give her hell,”

When not in combat, a soldier during the American Civil War, whether Union or Rebel, often found himself idle for great stretches of time. Writing…

75 Years since the Dambusters raid

The Dambusters raid was established as one of the most famous allied attacks of the Second World War almost from the moment the wheels of 617…

The Sweetheart of the Marianas – “The Whistling Death” Vought F4U Corsair

The world of World War Two aviation enthusiasts is both united, and divided. United in the sense that all value and appreciate both the men…

A Doctor Created A Fake Typhus Epidemic And Saved 8,000 People During WWII

At the outbreak of WWII, a young Polish doctor was finishing his medical studies and looking forward to using his skills for the well-being of…

This True Leader Stormed Multiple Japanese Machine Guns In Burma Until Mortally Wounded

Jeff Edwards

Oxford scholar and founder of a literary magazine are just a couple of honors to which a young man might aspire and find himself on…

Fighting in the Desert – The Battle for Sidi Bou Zid, Saint Valentine’s Day, 1943

On February 14, 1943, a force of American soldiers received the worst Valentine possible. Around the Tunisian village of Sidi Bou Zid, the Germans launched…

Who was the first American to land on D Day: Author Alex Kershaw was determined to find out

Alex Kershaw

So, my friend asked me, what was the first building to be liberated by Americans on D Day?… Then he asked: Who was the first…

“FBI file #65-53615” – The story of the Jewish American gangster plot to kill Hitler

“FBI file #65-53615” – The story of the Jewish American gangster plot to kill Hitler is a documentary film narrated by the historian Robert Rockaway. “FBI…