War Articles | War History

Gunner: An Australian Shepherd Dog that could hear Enemy Aircraft miles away

Dogs have always been part of the history of warfare, for man’s best friend is a friend indeed if he sticks with him in times…

WWII Intelligence Agency Receives Congress’ Highest Civilian Honor

Ian Harvey

John Billings is a former military pilot who worked for the Office of Strategic Services (the precursor to the CIA) during World War II. In…

The ‘Hitler hotel’: Building where Night of the Long Knives began to be demolished

Ian Harvey

It’s a fairly trite, but otherwise quite true statement that those who fail to remember their past are doomed to repeat it.  Germany isn’t prone…

The Greatest Underdog Victories in Pre-Gunpowder Battles

Ancient and Medieval generals were often smart enough to avoid battle against a much larger force but throughout history there are many cases where much…

The Nazi Temple of Doom: Wewelsburg Castle – the SS revered the castle as a place of mystical power

The castle of Wewelsburg overlooks the village of the same name in Westphalia, Germany. It once belonged to the prince-bishops of Paderborn, and after that…

Wolf Packs – The Battle of the Atlantic, at a given signal, the U-boats simultaneously launched their torpedoes at multiple targets & then slipped away

Ivano Massari

Silver streaks on the dark water. Terrifying explosions ripping across the night sky. Silent marauders slipping away and a few hundred thousand tonnes of shipping,…

The Battle of Edgehill, October 1642 – Both Commanders Hoped to Force Battle

War History Online presents this Guest Article by Jemahl Evans Everyone thought it would all be over by Christmas. Everyone expected a single sharp engagement and…

The Mysterious Death of the Legendary Confederate General Stonewall Jackson

While the Battle of Chancellorsville was Robert E. Lee’s greatest victory, it was the beginning of Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson’s ultimate defeat. On May 2, 1863, Confederate…

The Honor Project: Heroes of Our Nation On Record

When a soldier dies, so does his story… For over two hundred years, millions of Americans have fought in wars to preserve freedom and justice…

Unsolved Mysteries of WWI

The Lost Treasure of the Tsars Tsar Nicholas II was Russia’s last emperor who was forced to abdicate in March 1917. Facing civil unrest and…

BIG FIGURES: The 1945 Fall of Germany – 1,696 Transport Planes & 1,348 Gliders – 1,147 Fighter Planes

1,696 Transport Planes and 1,348 Gliders They were the aircraft used to transport American and British paratroopers in Operation Varsity on March 24, 1945. Combined…

Four Combat Monsters – The Super-Heavy Tanks Of WWI

In a time when bigger was considered better, an unofficial term was coined to describe a category beyond the heavy tank. The super heavy tanks…