War Articles | War History

When the Soviets Shot Down A U-2 Spyplane, The Cold War Turned Hot

Waqas Ali

The Lockheed U-2 also known as the “Dragon Lady” is a high altitude recon aircraft that was built in 1957 to gather a range of…

Wreckage from the USS Lexington (CV-2) Located in the Coral Sea 76 Years after the Aircraft Carrier was Sunk

Expedition Led by Microsoft Co-founder and Philanthropist Paul G. Allen is another Historic Success   Wreckage from the USS Lexington was discovered on March 4, 2018, by the…

The Nazi Invasion of the Balkans And Yugoslavia – A Costly Victory

In early 1941, Adolf Hitler could look at a map of Eastern Europe and think that his plans were progressing nicely. The invasion of the…

Single Combat At The Siege of Bayonne, 1131AD

Greg Jackson

Pedro de Lara was bored. His had lived a full life, a life of personal pride and skill at arms, of politics, wine and of…

John D. Bulkeley, Commander of the USS Endicott – A daring attack in WWII

On August 17, 1944, the USS Endicott, captained by Lieutenant Commander John D. Bulkeley, blew up two German ships, using only a single 5” gun.…

Hideki Tojo – Japanese WWII Prime Minister – Controversial To This Day

Hideki Tojo, a general and a politician, was the true representative of the Japanese expansionist policy in China in the first half of the 20th…

Battle Of WWI Merchant Raiders: HMS Alcantara v SMS Greif

On February 27, 1916, the Norwegian cargo ship Rena steamed out of Cuxhaven on Germany’s North Sea coast. In peacetime, this would not have been…

Battle of Bibracte: Sending the Swiss to Switzerland

Caesar is perhaps most famous for his rise to power in Rome through the lengthy civil wars. Roman armies fighting each other made for interesting…

The Dawn of the Submarine: U-21 sinks HMS Pathfinder

In 1914 submarines were still a novel idea. Many nations had not utilized them until 1900, Germany not until 1906. Soon their worth would be…

The Man in This Image: Refusing To Abandon The Wounded, Chaplain Emil Kapaun Remained Behind to Care for His Men And Died in a Korean POW Camp

Jeff Edwards

He didn’t carry a weapon, he wasn’t there to fight, but that didn’t stop chaplain Emil Kapaun from earning the nation’s highest military honor for…

The American landings at Utah Beach were among the easiest – 5 very different experiences: The D-Day beaches

The experiences of Allied troops landing on D-Day were very different. The paratroopers scattered by poor weather across hundreds of miles of countryside faced different…

FUSAG: Patton’s D-Day Army That Didn’t Exist

An army can help win a war without even existing. Strange as that may seem, this is exactly what happened in the case of the First United…