War Articles | War History

Coveted WWII Singer M1911 Combat Pistols For Sale To The Right Buyers

Ian Harvey

Over the course of 2018/19, the United States government will be clearing out their storage of WWII firearms. One specific type of gun, the Singer…

The End of the 900 Day Leningrad Blockade – January 27, 1944

Sieges are a familiar sight throughout the many pages of history and the many nations around the world. Yet there is one siege that left…

The Last Battle: Endgame on the Western Front, 1918 – Review by Mark Barnes

Commemorations marking the centenary of the Great War are only just getting going in the United States, but for the UK and other countries involved…

Myth Or Real: Germany Built Wooden Airfields to Fool the Allies, So They Bombed It With Wooden Bombs

This story has been told in many ways, where locations of where the airfield was and how it was bombed being different but the gist…

The Leftover Coded Messages Of WWII: Why It Took Decades To Solve Secret German Messages

Though World War II ended more than half a century ago, not all of the mysteries of that time in history have been solved. Questions…

378 Adrianople: Rise of the Barbarians And The Beginning Of The End Of The Roman Empire

The Fall of Rome was an arduous, drawn-out process, lasting centuries in the West to over a thousand years in the East. The so-called “barbarians”…

The Day the U.S. Nearly Nuked North Korea Over a Captured Spy Ship

Colin Fraser

In Pyongyang, the North Korean Government keeps a trophy from 1968. Moored on the Botong River, alongside the Pyongyang Victorious War Museum sits the USS…

Clint Eastwood’s MP40 Movie Prop Is Turned In To Police

Ian Harvey

During a Police Amnesty Day in Somerset, Britain a man handed in a submachine gun. It turns out the weapon was a prop used by…

RAF WWII Airfield Control Tower for Sale as Designer Home

Ian Harvey

The only thing remaining from RAF Findo Gask in Scotland is the airfield’s control tower, but that is now nearly unrecognizable from its original form.…

The Man Who Bought – And Wore – A Medal of Honor Which Was Not His

Military stories vary widely: some are the moments that make history, secure victories or result in resounding losses. Others are merely moments of day to…

Toulon and the Whiff of Grapeshot: Napoleon’s First Successes

As Emperor of the French, Napoleon Bonaparte would conquer half of Europe and leave the rest trembling in terror at his approach. But the rise…

Why The Nazis Beheaded a Famous Author’s Sister – Then Sent His Family the Execution Bill

It’s a book beloved by millions, one that’s been read by multiple generations and turned into an equally famous film: All Quiet on the Western…