War Articles | War History

The Siege of Masada: Rome’s Assertion of Authority

During Rome’s centuries as a growing empire it faced countless rebellions and challenges to its dominance of the Mediterranean, the old Italian allies even revolted…

“Smiling Albert” Kesselring; a German General of World War Two

Albert Kesselring had one of the most wide-ranging careers of WWII. A skilled German commander, he was fondly referred to by his admirers as “Smiling…

Germany and Italy in WWII – A Difficult Relationship

Germany and Italy had the most powerful and outspoken far-right governments in inter-war Europe. They were the main Axis powers in Europe in WWII. Their…

The Sword of Rome: Marcus Claudius Marcellus

All three of the Punic Wars were won by Rome, and the third war saw Carthage’s complete destruction, but there were periods where the Romans…

When Napoleon Invaded, These Men And Women Became Heroes of The Spanish Resistance

In 1807, the forces of Napoleonic France entered Spain on their way to invade Portugal. The following year, they took control of Spain itself. For…

The Careers of These Soldiers Were Transformed by the Arrival of Tanks

In 1917, a new weapon appeared on the battlefields of WWI. First developed by the British, the tank was adopted by both sides as they…

The Birth of the 54th Massachusetts Regiment in the American Civil War

The recruitment of African-American soldiers was one of the most important moments in the American Civil War. In practical terms, it provided soldiers for the…

Rome’s Worst Defeat: The Battle of Cannae 216 B.C.E.

The battle of Cannae was an almost perfect tactical victory for Hannibal Barca. Facing a Roman army almost twice the size on a level field,…

In WWII, The Allies Often Worked with Local Partisans Against Nazi Germany

WWII was fought by civilian resistance in occupied countries as well as by armed forces. On many occasions, those groups worked together. France The work…

The Pros and Cons of Ancient War Elephants

Elephants are generally peaceful and majestic creatures but throughout history, their size and power were used with devastating results on the battlefield. With the adoption…

The most decorated Marine in United States history – Chesty Puller, American Hero

“Chesty” Puller is the most decorated Marine in United States history. Heroic service in Haiti, Nicaragua, the Second World War, and the Korean War earned…

Ulysses S. Grant – Military Genius of the Civil War

The foremost Union commander of the American Civil War, Ulysses S. Grant led his nation’s armies to a victory that united the fractured union. As…