War Articles | War History

Robert Howard McCard dismantled a machine gun and again engaged the enemy mowing down 16 Japanese soldiers to ensure the safety of his crew

Most people have heard of the D-Day Landings in France, but few know there was (almost simultaneously) another set of landings in the Pacific. As…

“Sharing my story” – Local veteran served as parts specialist with infantry battalion in Vietnam War

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick – the author of the upcoming Burnt District Press release “Together as One:…

The Youngest and Oldest Living Medal of Honor Recipients Both Jumped on Live Grenades

Call it a unique lineage only those who have worn a uniform would understand, but military history is part of the esprit de corps which…

Vice Admiral James Stockdale, US Navy: Medal of Honor

Jeff Edwards

For many prisoners, the moment their enemy captures them marks the beginning of the end of their war. Others see it as a new phase.…

Hitler’s staff car: The most historically significant automobile ever offered for public sale

1939 Mercedes-Benz 770K Grosser Offener Tourenwagen – Scottsdale Auction. Nowhere in the automotive world is this type of political influence and social effect truer than…

A Tribute to a Fellow Warrior: How the Captain of the USS Missouri buried the remains of a Kamikaze Pilot with Honors, after he attempted to crash into his Ship

The Empire of Japan entered WWII by attacking the US Naval Base at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, kickstarting the war in the Pacific…

Staff Sergeant William Bordelon: First US Marine from Texas to be awarded MOH

Jeff Edwards

Were it not for the epic battles fought there, many people would likely have gone through their lives never having heard of any of the…

1st Lieutenant Victor Kandle: Medal of Honor Recipient in WWII

Jeff Edwards

Given that there were 15 other men with him, one might question whether Victor Kandle should be given full credit for the death or capture…

Singing Waltzing Matilda, This Lieutenant Colonel Took Out 2 Machine Gun Posts With A Pistol & Grenades

Charles Anderson was a truly remarkable person. Not only did he serve and live through two world wars, but he also collected medals for bravery…

Sergeant First Class Robert Howard: Refused Two Medals of Honor

He earned three nominations for a Medal of Honor but received only one. Not because he did not deserve all three, but because some of his…

Master Segeant Travis Watkins: MOH for Refusing to Give Up in Korea

Jeff Edwards

How a soldier reacts when he is wounded in war varies from man to man. Some wither and fade away, some fall and await help,…

The Climactic Battle of Waterloo Was A Huge Event On It’s Time, But It Still Matters Today

It is over two hundred years since Napoleon Bonaparte was defeated at the Battle of Waterloo. The defeat of France’s warlord Emperor saw the end…