War Articles | War History

Rommel Attacks El Agheila Fort – The Desert Fox In North Africa

Erwin Rommel’s attack on El Agheila Fort on March 24, 1941, did not lead to fearsome fighting. It was not one of the great battles…

The Italian Campaigns – Where Napoleon Built The Foundation For His Legend

Napoleon’s 1796 invasion of Italy was one of the most significant campaigns of his career. It was the offensive that turned him from a rising…

The First Battle of Ypres, 1914 – A Harbinger Of Things To Come

The battles for Ypres were among the defining engagements of the Western Front during the First World War. Ypres became a harbinger of much that…

Bellum Gallicum – Rome’s Greatest Conqueror In His Greatest War – Caesar’s Gaulish Campaign

The Roman invasion of Gaul was one of the most significant wars in the ancient world. It saw Rome’s empire vastly expand, propelled Julius Caesar…

Learning Lessons The Hard Way – The Battle Of Neuve Chapelle, 1915

To the casual observer, it seems that no-one learned anything during the First World War. The same disastrous tactics were repeated over and over again…

Keeping The Promise – Air Force Veteran Finishes Career While Commander of 24th NORAD Region

War History online proudly presents this Guest Piece from Jeremy P. Ämick, who is a military historian and writes on behalf of the Silver Star Families…

Innovation and Dedication – Nursing and Medicine in the Korean War

 Thanks to CEUfast Blog for this Guest Article.  Within a month of landing on the beach in Korea in 1950, nurse Margaret (Zane) Fleming and her fellow nurses with the 1st…

José Arturo Castellanos Contreras: The Latino Schindler

During WWII, many did what they could to save Jews – including the Latino Schindler. José Arturo Castellanos Contreras was born on December 23, 1893,…

Two Months After Enlisting This Digger Was Awarded The VC At Gallipoli

The Battle of Gallipoli was an especially brutal campaign that took place over eight months during 1915-1916. It made heroes of many men, but William…

The Battle Of Alesia: The Roman Siege That Completed Julius Caesar’s Conquest of Gaul

War History Online presents this Guest Article from by Joseph M. Durante “Gaul comprises three areas…” and “the whole of Gaul was now conquered.” In 58 B.C.…

11 Countries Invaded by Nazi Germany And Why They Were Invaded

Greg Jackson

Under the leadership of Adolph Hitler, Germany invaded over twenty countries in Europe and Africa. The reasons for these invasions varied from country to country,…

Manned Torpedoes and Massive Ships – The Alexandria Raid Of WW2

Greg Jackson

Italy’s part in WWII is usually remembered as one of failure and embarrassment. Italian forces were repeatedly rescued from defeat by their German allies. However, the…