War Articles | War History

Korean War “Walking General” Dean, Destroyed Enemy Tank & Escaped Capture For 36 Days – Then His Ordeal As POW Started

Jeff Edwards

Early on after the start of the Korean War, it became clear that superior North Korean numbers and ill-prepared South Korea defenders would mean a…

Sammy L. Davis: The Real Forrest Gump, when it came time to award Forrest the Medal of Honor, they took the footage straight from the ceremony that honored Sammy L. Davis

Jeff Edwards

While it might be disappointing to find out that there was no single individual who became a football star at Alabama, received the Medal of…

Malta: The Island Nation that Defied the Germans in World War Two

Jeff Edwards

The George Cross remains one of the highest military honors that can be given in the United Kingdom.  Second only to the Victoria Cross, it…

When “Red Mike” Edson And His 800 Men From 1st Marine Raider Battalion Were Up Against 2,500 Attacking Japanese

Jeff Edwards

After more than 24 hours of fending off a ferocious Japanese assault, the sun began to set and the Marines of 1st Raider Battalion knew…

The Roman Army – The Development Of One Of The Most Powerful Military Forces In The Ancient World

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armor organized into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

Heavy Losses, Great Heroism – The Iwo Jima Landings Were One Of The Most Important American Operations In The Pacific

The Battle of Iwo Jima was more than just another strategic island fight in the US military’s struggle with Imperial Japan during World War Two. It…

The Battle of Kovel: Disaster Amid Russia’s Greatest Military Triumph Of WWI

The Brusilov offensive was Russia’s greatest military triumph of World War One, but also the scene of one of that nation’s most misguided and disastrous…

Notes From A Holocaust Survivor Found In Auschwitz Have Been Deciphered And Translated Into English

Ian Harvey

In 1944, Sonderkommando Marcel Nadjari kept records of his activities in Auschwitz-Birkenau, including a remarkably accurate number of those killed in the gas chambers. He…

The Capture Of The Bridge Over The Rhine At Remagen, 7 March 1945

On 7 March 1945, Allied troops captured the Ludendorff Bridge at Remagen. This surprise success allowed thousands of troops to cross the River Rhine and…

In 1939, At The Opening Of WW2, Poland Fell Quickly To The German Army

As dawn rose on 1 September 1939, a German army swept across the border into Poland. Already tense, European politics would now descend into the…

Grand Goals – Napoleon Aimed For High Achievements In Egypt

The Egyptian campaign Napoleon led in 1798 was one of the greatest disasters of his career. After his fleet was destroyed by Nelson at the…

The Roman Army – Beating The Best Navy Of Their Day

The Punic Wars were crucial for the development of the Roman Empire. From 264 to 146 BC, the Romans fought the Carthaginians for control of…