War Articles | War History

Takes out 3 Machine Guns, Kills 20 and captures 50 Germans – Even The Enemy Patted Him on the Back

Jeff Edwards

One might presume a nickname such as ‘Fats” was given as an insult, but when you find out a little bit more about the man…

From The Tank Museum: New Chapter In Story Of Tiger 131: Part 1 and 2

New research has added another chapter to the story of The Tank Museum’s most famous exhibit, Tiger 131. British forces disabled the infamous tank in…

Albert Göring, Despised the Nazi Regime – Saved Countless Jews & Dissidents, Unlike His Brother

Hermann Wilhelm Göring was one of Adolph Hitler’s earliest supporters and the second most powerful man in Nazi Germany. Founder of the Gestapo (the secret…

Wacko: The US Navy Destroyer That Sank A Japanese Submarine – With The Aid of Potatoes

In 1943, a US Navy destroyer engaged a Japanese submarine during the Solomon Islands Campaign. What should have been a skirmish between equals turned out…

The Not-So-Great Escape: German POWs Biggest POW Breakout Happened just two days before Christmas 1944

Tunneling through walls, or through cement flooring. Dissolving metal bars with salsa, or the rough end of a nail file. A simple, quick slip through…

Myth Busting: The Top Ten Misconceptions of the First World War

Ian Harvey

Many probably don’t realize that what they’ve learned about history, especially when it comes to WWI, is not necessarily true.  Here are the top 10…

Marine Horse “Reckless” Received Two Purple Hearts, Was Promoted To Staff Sergeant

This is not the story of a pet pony, an amusing tale of a Mr. Ed companion, or even the story of an amusing diversion…

HMS Audacious: The Only Super-Dreadnought Sunk in WWI – By A German Naval Mine

Colin Fraser

The biggest, most advanced, most expensive, and most daunting war machinery of World War I was the super-dreadnought battleship. These great sea beasts were near…

Jack Hinson: A Civil War Sniper Hell Bent on Revenge

John W. “Jack” Hinson, better known as “Old Jack” to his family, was a prosperous farmer in Stewart County, Tennessee. A non-political man, he opposed…

Karl Donitz, Commander in Chief of the Kriegsmarine, Was The Last President of Nazi Germany

Karl Donitz, the Commander in Chief of the Kriegsmarine (Navy of the Third Reich), served as the last president of Nazi Germany. He was also the creator…

3 Key Phases in the History of the Roman Army

The Roman army is often remembered as a highly professional force, with legionaries in segmented armour organised into centuries for close order combat. In reality, the…

From The Tank Museum: Tiger Construction

Tank construction has always been a labour intensive, expensive process. The need to manufacture far larger numbers during the Second World War saw the warring…