War Articles | War History

Attorney Parks WWII Tank in Front of Multi-Million Dollar Home and the Neighbors are Not Pleased

Tony Buzbee is an attorney in Houston. Tony Buzbee is also a history buff. Tony Buzbee, the attorney and history buff, spent $600,000 on a…

From The Tank Museum: Background To The Battle Of Kursk

The Battle of Kursk was one of the most decisive battles of the Second World War.  Fought between the 5th July and 23rd August 1943, it began…

How Napoleon’s Empire Empowered European Jews

The beating of war drums has seldom been a good sign for Europe’s Jewish communities. Dispersed by the endless conquests of their homeland, they were…

Massive Black Tom Explosion: Imperial Germany’s Secret Sabotage & Terrorist Attacks on America

When Al Qaeda destroyed New York City’s World Trade Center in 2001, many thought it was the first terrorist attack on US soil. They were…

MoH: 8 German soldiers moved in to try to capture one wounded Edward Carter – It Didn’t End To Well

Jeff Edwards

One look at the life of Medal of Honor recipient Edward Allen Carter and it doesn’t take you long to realize that this was a…

2 February 1943 – The End of the Battle For Stalingrad. Brutal close quarters fighting was accompanied by bombardments that saw swathes of the city reduced to rubble

The largest and bloodiest battle in the history of warfare, the Siege of Stalingrad lasted over five months and resulted in somewhere between 1.7 and…

The Brutal Battle of Monte Cassino & the Breaking of the Gustav Line

Colin Fraser

The main fixture of these nearly insurmountable defenses that General Sir Harold Alexander, Commander-in-Chief of the Allied Armies in Italy threw the bulk of his…

It’s Complicated: The Royal Navy Freed 299 POW But Caused Norway To Be Invaded By Nazi Germany

In 1940, a tanker was transporting 299 British POWs to Germany. As it passed through neutral Norwegian waters, the British mounted a successful rescue operation,…

From The Tank Museum: When The Germans Desperately Needed To Counter The T-34, This Was Their Design

The Panther was not as thickly armoured, nor as heavily armed, as tanks such as the Tiger but was probably a much more balanced design.…

How Dr. Morell Made Hitler A Cocaine Junkie

Elaine Smith

By Elaine Fields Smith At last, a reasonable explanation for dictator Adolf Hitler’s maniacal behavior. The Fuhrer was on drugs thanks to Dr. Theodor Morell.…

Massive Engagements Of Ancient Warships – The Most Decisive Ancient Naval Battles

Ancient naval battles were quite risky; they involved massive investments in money in building ships and trained manpower for rowing and marines. Contrary to popular…

The Immense Tet Offensive – One Of The Biggest Campaigns In The Vietnam War

In the late evening hours of January 30, 1968, the Vietnamese New Year began. This annual celebratory event, known as Tet, signaled the coming of…